


In order to understand the combine effect of Furesomide, Hot water and Alcohol we will move back to the case study. Now let us take the case of Mr. Underhills. He weighed around 76 Kg. Mr. Underhill either suffered from high blood pressure and so he was consuming the drug Furesomide or he was simply taking it as a drug in order to relax his nervous systems. As discussed above the drug Furesomide do act as nerve reliever. The moment Mr. Underhill enters into the home from a chilled winter his homeostatic receptors got activated when they felt the rise in temperature. This happened due to stimulus. The receptor then leads the body to get warmed and acquainted with the room temperature. When he decided to go for a hot bath he took Furesomide drug before it. As known Furesomide drug is responsible for lowering the blood pressure. Even though Mr. Underhill did not consume high level of Furesomide but immediately after consuming it he went into the hot water tub which was heated at a very high temperature. Due to Furesomide he could not feel the heat but the hot water along with Furesomide would have lowered his BP tremendously. This would have affected his Adrenal gland that would have stopped producing the anti diuretic hormone. As a result excessive of electrolytes would have got filtered out from his body. The use of Furesomide with the hot water must have also affected the functioning of the kidney and more essential electrolytes must be getting filtered out. He must have felt weak and dizzy and due to the hot water he would have been able to come out of the tub and so ultimately the excessive loss of electrolytes would have lead to suffocation and death.

