纽约论文代写: 建筑施工与安全


纽约论文代写: 建筑施工与安全


纽约论文代写: 建筑施工与安全

As the outer parts of the building are occupied during works, we will ensure a friendly construction. Before, any part is demolished, the information would be broadcasted. We will also make sure, that no person is near the place where present construction is going on. There will be a problem related to noise and dust which may affect the life of the people residing in other parts. The people may also raise an objection regarding the same. The other block of the building may also get affected during the demolition of the inner parts. It would be made sure that the demolition of the inner part will be done very slowly so that no one should be affected by the same. One of the major technical issue will be related to EH &S (Environmental Health and Safety) which is the primary requirement for the construction. Due to the existence of tenants is has to be assured that no one is harmed from the construction. Another technical issue would be due to the presence of the silt. . Since the place contains a lot of silt, there may be pores leading to the gel formation. This can lead to the flocculation of the clay particles which can affect the strength. In order to ensure that there is not a problem due to flocculation, we will put soil on the floor.