



Tourism in the developing world is defined on a comprehensive framework that involves transfer of people, their ideas and culture (Hitchcock et al, 2014). In this context people involved in the tourism sector have to be well developed in order to meet the demands that are being generated. The purpose of this essay is to present a self-reflection on the result and analysis of an individual SRGDI questionnaire. Furthermore the essay will discuss the utilization of the self reflections in the context of theoretical insights on the tourism sector, people and others, for developing me, as an individual who will be working in the tourism sector. An action plan that demonstrates an understanding of the skill sets required to develop people in the Tourism sector is also presented. The other type of demand is the international demand. In the context of international demand, it can be seen that this is inclusive of the needs of tourists that are presented above and also includes one more to the list. The international tourists basically are seasonal tourist. So they would be present in the tourist site at a particular time of the year. However this time of the year-which is called the peak season is so called because the numbers of the tourist would be quite high. Here the number of people in the tourism sector might be quite low. Some tourism companies might take up volunteer workers and others might try to pair up with one another to meet the demands. Again the pressure on the tourism person would be high, as they would need to develop their skills to meet the needs of the consumer
