




制定的标准必须以连续的方式完成。第一批的规则在全球酒店,如在欧洲,被更多地参与发展决议1978年酒店安全管理解决消防安全监管欧洲议会。这是酒店的火灾后比利时和荷兰。安理会在1986年采用推荐(86/666 / EEC)存在于酒店的消防安全。有最低安全标准的定义所有的旅馆在社区。他们操作的原则是,外国游客需要相同级别的保护作为国家的公民。这将是有趣的研究形式的改革,已经在香港进行部门。因为大多数现有的研究专注于欧洲标准,这项工作主要集中在成熟的酒店业阿联酋提出独特的见解。


People are vulnerable to the effects of smoke and toxic fire and this leads them to suffer direct effects of first and smoke injuries as well as indirect issues in the form of long term smoke problems. People in hotel bedrooms are at risk. They will not be acquainted with the trave procedures, processes and more. However, the risk is even more exacerbated by the fact that people managing the hotel might not have planned for safety and security in a way that ensured the safety of the guests. This is in fact a major issue observed in hotel management. Where hotel management is becoming globally inclined in order to bring in more tourists and all, it is the necessity of every hotel to focus on its regulations. Regulations are not made in vacuum and here it becomes critical for all hotels to come under regular regulations check.


Formulation of standards must be done in a continuous manner. Some of the first of the rules in global hotels, such as in Europe, were seen to become more involved in developing resolutions in 1978 for Hotel Safety Management to address the European Parliament on fire safety regulation. This was after the fires in the hotels of Belgium and Netherland. The Council in 1986 adopted recommendation (86/666/EEC) on the fire safety that exists in the hotels. There was the definition of the minimum safety standards for all the hotels in the community. The principle in which they operate was that the foreign visitors needed to have the same level of protection as the citizens of the nation. It will be interesting to study the form of reforms that have been carried out in the Hong Kong sector. Since most of the existing studies focus on European standards, this work focuses on the well-established Hotel Industry of UAE to present unique insights.