

基于这一讨论,可以看出,个人旷工能力的限制在很大程度上取决于雇佣合同的属性以及雇主为执行合同而采取的措施(Blundell and Walker 2003)。


如果企业对旷工的原因有了了解,并采取了有针对性的策略来解决这些问题,雇主就能成功地降低生产率、减少旷工和减少重大开支。然而,关键的问题是,一些组织没有以准确的方式跟踪缺勤情况,只有一项基本要求,即核实缺勤作为其管理的一项重要措施(Allen 1981a)。

工作场所的旷工和出勤是工业化社会的根本问题。首先,这似乎并没有对工业产生直接的影响,因为生产成本的降低也间接和直接地影响到整个社会和经济。这增加了私人和公共服务及产品的成本,或可能降低其质量(Allen 1981b)。在工作场所内,额外的负担可能会加在工人和雇主身上,特别是在非常重要的时期,或者在主要的过程中。商业环境的变化已经到了极限,目前这种变化对经济绩效对于实现国际和地方竞争力具有巨大的意义(Bosworth et al. 1996)。员工出勤、组织承诺和生产力已被确定为人力资源绩效的重要组成部分。就必要性而言,这是一项开始的变革,因为人们认为,在影响旷工费用方面可以做得更少,而且一些组织已经表示准备为提高出勤率作出努力(Blundell和Walker 2003)。

产业新环境是指通过企业的讨价还价和重组,可能会有更多的机会来改变与就业有关的条件,以更好地满足员工和雇主的需要。这些包括并且可以包括与病假和工作地点缺勤有关的管理。旷工和出勤与许多因素有显著的联系,虽然不是决定与疾病有关的能力丧失的唯一因素(Killingsworth 1983)。工作出勤率是反映社会与企业、工作与员工之间复杂关系的一个普遍考虑因素。

一些因素在个人、工作小组、工作地点、工业和社会之间显示出明显的差别。并不是每一个因素都会对每一个案例产生重大影响。就现实而言,很少有解释和情况具有直接的属性(Ashenfelter和Heckman, 1974)。这种特殊的复杂性可能最终会使它成为一个难以服务、管理和理解的问题。

商科代写 :有关旷工现象和管理的讨论分析

Based on this discussion, it can be stated that the limit to which the individual has the ability of engaging in absenteeism is highly dependent on the attribute regarding contract of employment and taken up measures by the employer for its enforcement (Blundell and Walker 2003).
Absenteeism with respect to the simple analysis of labour supply arises because of the imposed constrain of hours. If the hours of contract had not been defined, then there will be no existence for the concept of absenteeism. However, the constraint of hours will be representing only one attribute regarding the contract of employee. This particular relationship has subjectivity with further complex scenarios since the hours of contract set do not have general independence to determine the offered rate of wage. For the presentation of more integrated theory related to absenteeism, certain explanations to determine hours having constraint is a major requirement.
Employers can be successful in lost productivity, absenteeism and significant expense when there is an understanding about the causes regarding absenteeism at the business organization, and there is an adoption of targeted strategies for addressing them. However, the key issue is that a number of organizations do not have track of absence in an accurate manner, and there is only a basic requirement for verifying absence as a significant measure for its management (Allen 1981a).
Work place absenteeism and attendance are of fundamental significance to the society of industrialization. Primarily, this does not seem to be having a direct impact on the industry as the cost of production, however, the less of productivity also impacts the entire society and economy indirectly and directly. It is an addition to the cost, or there might be a reduction of quality, related to private and public services and products (Allen 1981b). Within the work place, additional burdens may be placed on the workers and employers, specifically crucially significant times, or within the main processes. There have been changes in the environment of business to the limit to which that currently there is huge significance for the performance of economy for the achievement of international and local competitiveness (Bosworth et al. 1996). The attendance of employee at work, organizational commitment and productivity has been identified as crucial components for the performance of human resource. This is initiating change, in terms of necessity, with the perception that less can be done for influencing the expense of absenteeism, and a number of organizations have been showing readiness to make inroads for the improvement of rates in work attendance (Blundell and Walker 2003).
The new environment of industry refers that there may be a rise of opportunities, by the bargaining of enterprise and restructuring, for the alteration of condition related to employment for meeting the needs of employees and employers in a better manner. These have and can be inclusive of the management related to sick leave and work place absence. Absenteeism and work attendance have significant link with a number of factors, though not being sole factors determining the incapacity related to disease (Killingsworth 1983). There is a general consideration of work attendance for reflecting the complex relationship between society and enterprise, and work and employees.
A number of factors have been showing marked differentiation among the individuals, work groups, work places, industries and societies. Not each and every factors result in having a significant impact on each and every case. In terms of reality, there lies a straightforward attribute in few interpretations and situations (Ashenfelter and Heckman 1974). This particular complication may end up making it a difficult issue for serving, managing and understanding caution in accordance with the generalization.
