



There are legal and procedural considerations for importing goods into Australia. Commodities are imported into Australia to meet the needs of the people. In order to use the imported commodities there are several regulations in place. The government does not allow seeds, certain types of plantation or fishes in the country. To allow cats and dogs there needs to be a special issuance by the government. They do not want the animals to carry any potential disease. The government vets the commodities and ensures the commodities do not cause any damage to the people living in Australia. It issues special Id numbers and checks the shipment. Some products that are deemed hazardous will be discarded. The taxing of the imports is done for the products that are brought into Australia. The special duties for each commodity are listed in their website. The imported products like Cars, Certain electronic good are all subject to taxation. The medicines that are brought into the country are also subject to scrutiny before being released to the public. The law demands that any good that is imported into Australia be classified. The classification procedures will have declaration procedures, where self assessment is needed by the producers of the goods, then there must be declarations made to the Australian Customs. These goods must be subject to the Free Trade agreement that Australia has signed up with the other countries. There are tariffs and duties that are set on imports based on the WTO organized mandated tariffs and tariff quotas, export subsidies and more.
