





碩士論文代寫 :保持適當睡眠的重要性

Sleeping is a necessary part of everyone’s life. We all need to have a proper sleep in order to enable our bodies to function properly. The students have to do a lot of hard work including their classroom sessions, practical sessions, extra-curricular activities, homework and various other things (Lund et al, 2010). They are generally busy in some of the other stuff for most of their time. Thus, it is necessary for the student to have a proper sleep.
In this research it can be found from the results obtained from the survey, that most of the students are taking proper hours of sleep and are concerned about their sleeping hours. The students are sleeping at the correct time which is before 12 in the night and are also waking up before 8 AM or 9 AM. This can be considered as a good practice.
In the present world where each and every person is busy in his or her own affairs, every minute is precious. There are a few people who give less value to sleep and cut down their sleep for other things. This is a practise which is not recommended at all by the researchers. It is necessary for every person to sleep for six to eight hours in a day. It is something which not only helps us to keep a healthy mind but also the energy quotient of the body can be maintained quite well. Thus, the international students are concerned about the hours of sleep and take the same quite seriously. It is important for all the international students to sleep for more than 6 hours.