

本報告所使用的方法是使用基於損益表和資產負債表(資產和負債表)的財務比率。所使用的比率是淨利潤率,它作為特定銷售水平的淨利潤百分比的指標(Delen et al. 2013, p.3975)。所採用的第二種比率是毛利率,毛利率包括毛利和銷售作為兩個變量。正如Vogel(2014年,第126頁)所言,這個比率提供了一個百分比來表示某一銷售水平的毛利潤。接下來是營業利潤率比率,它提供了一個更詳細的前景,說明在特定的銷售水平下可以賺取多少營業利潤(Brigham and Houston, 2012, p.100)。這三個是利潤率的主要組成部分。其他盈利能力比率,如資本回報率和資產回報率也被採用。流動性比率,如流動比率和速動比率也被使用。


流動比率是指公司的流動資產與流動負債之間的比率。根據Brigham和Ehrhardt (2013, p.135)的觀點,這是流動性的最佳指標,因為在特定的流動負債水平下,流動資產的數量可以通過這個比率來確定。速動比率為流動資產提供了一種更精細的格式,因為預付費用和存貨從流動資產中扣除,計算速動資產,然後製定比率(Duchin and Sosyura, 2014, p.20)。由於提供的數據無法獲得,因此無法使用債務周轉率、債權人流動率和存貨周轉率的效率比率。計算了含負債權益比的槓桿率。這提供了一個清晰的概述,說明在特定的債務水平下,正在使用的股本水平(Liang et al. 2016, p.565)。這是一種完整的證明方法,工作將在其上進行。每個比率的計算都是基於上述方法,所包含的比率與方法中提到的要測量和分析的比率相同。
The methodology used in the case of this report is the use of financial ratios based on the Income statement and the Balance Sheet (Asset and Liability Statement) as was provided. The ratios used was Net Profit Margin which acts as an indicator of the percentage net profit earned for a particular level of sales (Delen et al. 2013, p.3975). The second ratio used is that of Gross Profit Margin which include the Gross Profit and Sales as two variables. As per Vogel (2014, p.126), it is the ratio which provides a percentage representation of how much gross profit is earned for a particular level of sales. The Operating Profit Margin Ratio comes next which provides a more detailed outlook of how much operating profit can be earned for a particular level of sales (Brigham and Houston, 2012, p.100). These three are the main constituents of the Profitability Ratios. Other profitability ratios such as Return on capital employed and Return on Assets are also used. The Liquidity Ratios such as Current and Quick Ratios are also used. 
The Current ratio provides a ratio between the current assets and the Current Liabilities of the company. According to Brigham and Ehrhardt (2013, p.135), this is the best indicator of liquidity as the amount of current assets needed can be ascertained from this ratio for a particular level of current liability. The Quick ratio provides a more refined format in the current assets as the prepaid expenses and inventories are deducted from the current assets to calculate Quick Assets and then the ratio is formulated (Duchin and Sosyura, 2014, p.20). The efficiency ratios of debt turnover, creditors’ turnover and inventory turnover could not be used due to the unavailability of data as provided. The Leverage Ratio containing Debt to Equity ratio is calculated. This provides a clear overview of the level of equity is being used against a particular level of debt (Liang et al. 2016, p.565). This is a full proof methodology on which the work is about to progress. The calculation of each ratio is based on these methodologies as stated and the ratios included are the same to be measured and analyzed as mentioned in the methodologies. 
