

將谷歌的商業環境進一步劃分為內部環境和外部環境兩大類。各種因素都會影響谷歌的業務(Drucker, 2007)。這些因素可以是全球一級、國家一級和區域一級的環境力量。一般環境因素的五種力量是經濟、社會文化、技術、政治、法律和國際因素。這些環境力量被認為是有害生物,包括政治、法律、經濟、社會文化和技術因素(Morchett etal ., 2015)。其原因在於國際環境對谷歌的影響具有普遍性。


認為谷歌及其內部環境是管理者可以控制的因素。然而,其他更廣泛的系統具有這樣的性質,它們控制著組織(Cateora, 2008)。因此,谷歌的管理者的策略是控制互聯網領域,與外部力量反應,以獲得機會,應對外部商業環境所帶來的挑戰。該方法可分為可控、半可控和不可控三大類。

所有系統都是除超系統外的其他自然系統的次級系統(Hofstede, 2009)。谷歌的正式組織實體同樣由特定目的的人員組組成。它被認為是更廣泛的社會的一個組成部分,是國家的一個組成部分。擁有相同利益的國家集團在區域聯盟內合並,如歐盟和南盟(Mellahi & Frynas, 2015)。世界經濟是由這樣的網絡和區域聯盟組成的。

在這種方法中,沒有什麽是孤立的。所有這些都是相互聯系和融合的。谷歌是一個開放的系統,因為他們從其他人那裏獲得資源,並提供類似的輸出(Carter, 2009)。谷歌尤其與組織環境中的許多力量進行鬥爭。這些由谷歌獲取資源並提供資源的力量、影響企業經營的力量以及構成威脅和機會的力量被視為企業環境。


The business environment of Google is further classified among two larger classifications of internal environment and external environment. Various factors can impact the business of Google (Drucker, 2007). Such factors can be of global level, national level and regional level forces of environment. Five of the forces that are general factors of environment are economic, socio-cultural, technological, political-legal and international. The set of such environmental forces are regarded as PEST inclusive of political, legal, economic, societal cultural and technological factors (Morchett et al., 2015). The reason behind it lies in the international environment’s pervasiveness due to its impact on Google.


It is considered that Google along with its internal environment are factors that managers can control. However, the other wider systems are of such nature that they control the organization (Cateora, 2008). Hence, the strategy for the managers of Google is to control areas that are internet and react with the forces that are external in order to obtain the opportunities and tackle the challenges surfaced by the external business environment. This approach of system can be categorized in three groups of environment, controllable, semi-controllable and uncontrollable.

All the systems are secondary systems of the other natural system excluding the supra-system (Hofstede, 2009). Formal organizational entity of Google is similarly comprised of people groups for the particular purpose. It is considered as an element of wider society that is a national component. Group of nations that hold alike interests are combined within regional alliances such as EU and SAARC (Mellahi & Frynas, 2015). The economy of the world is consisting of such networks and regional alliances.
Within such an approach, nothing remains isolated. All are interlinked and integrated with each other. Google is an open system due to their gain of resources from others and delivering output similarly (Carter, 2009). Google in particular combats with numerous forces of the organizational environment. These forces through which resources are obtained by Google and supplied, forces influencing the operation of business and forces presenting the threats and opportunities are regarded as the environment of business.
