


社会绩效是对公司活动的评价,这些活动被认为与社会相适应,增强了公司存在的目的,并为社会和社区带来社会效益(Aras and Crowther, 2010)。


负责检查产品质量和原材料的产品团队表明,产品质量符合95%的产品符合性要求。这是另一项具有社会责任感的举措,表明该公司对产品质量及其在市场上销售的产品保持谨慎和警惕。符合最低或最高质量标准的产品是一种标准实践,必须继续进行积极的评估(Benn和Bolton, 2011),因为产品质量将是公司最优先的销售主张之一。这是一个很好的社会责任行动,树立了一个对他们的行为的社会影响负责的榜样,同时也减少了他们的环境义务,以减少其碳足迹,并成为领先的碳抑制者之一。

该公司还有一个客户服务满意度奖励模型,通过该模型,他们可以获取所服务的每个客户的满意度状况。这有助于将与客户保持联系的方式正式化,并在机会允许时启动个人销售。这是提高他们提供优质产品和满足客户的社会责任的另一个好方法,因为一个满意的客户对公司来说比获得新客户更重要,因为老客户将继续是他们的忠实客户,继续从品牌商店购买。与2013年相比,该公司2014年的女员工人数有所增加。这体现了公司对性别平等的信念,包括将女性作为主要的员工团队来处理日常活动,并赋予她们更好的扩展责任。雇佣更多的女性成员表明了公司将女性视为组织重要组成部分的意图,并反驳了女性是最好的家庭主妇的观点(Tench, Sun and Jones, 2012)。

写简历的技巧 :公司社会绩效的讨论分析

Social performance is the evaluation of the firm’s activities which are believed to be socially fit and enhances its purpose of presence and deliver social benefits to society and the community (Aras and Crowther, 2010).
Myers considers its social obligation to integrate its action and responsibility into part of everyday conduct and infuse it into daily happening, so it becomes an organisational culture. This is a very significant goal but it is as difficult to practice as it is easy to formulate. The company has delivered in its social performance, when it claims that it has engaged with the community and about 94% of its stakeholders believe that Myer has been meeting its requirements and concerns. In the 2014 financial year, Myer has worked with the community and engaged with them for various requirements, and has donated more than $2.3 million to local communities. Out of this, $1.3 million was raised as a fund, and $340,000 has been direct cash benefits from Myer. This particular fund supports disadvantaged children, women’s health, and sick youth who are not able to afford medication and treatment. This is a nice project and valuable investment, indicating a moral and social responsibility of the firm but it has been doing less compared to the overall requirement that grips Australia. It is undeniable that Myer is indicating its social responsibility as a corporate through various activities of charities and sponsorship, but compared to what is possible and what is the industry average, it is not significantly huge and commendable. Nevertheless, it is not to be denied of being called as a good philanthropist.
The product team who checks the quality of the products and raw materials shows that the product quality is aligned with 95% conformance requirement of the product. This is another socially responsible move and infers that the company is careful and alert about the product quality and what they sell in the market. Conforming products to the minimum or maximum quality standards is a standard practice and must be continued with aggressive assessment (Benn and Bolton, 2011), because the quality of the product is what will be one of the most preferred selling propositions for the company. This is a good socially responsible move to set an example of being responsible for the social impacts of their actions and also reduce their environmental obligations to reduce its carbon footprint and be one of the leading carbon suppressor.
The company also has a customer service satisfaction reward model whereby they capture the satisfaction status of each customer they serve. This helps in formalising a way of being in touch with the customers and initiating personal selling when chance permits. This is another good way of improving their social obligation of giving quality products and satisfying the customer, because a satisfied customer means more to the company than acquiring new ones because the old ones will continue to be their loyal ones and continue buying from the brand stores. It has enhanced its female employees in 2014 compared to 2013. This infers the company’s belief of gender equality and including women as primary employee teams to handle the daily activities and give them better responsibilities for expanding. Employing more female than male members indicates the company’s intention of considering women as an important part of the organisation and disproves the notion that women are best as homemakers (Tench, Sun and Jones, 2012).