新西兰代写assignment 1-8



One of the advantages of simulation games is that the learning process in games is dynamics. The participants make mistakes and are easily able to identify them and correct them in the course of the game. Thus there is a feedback loop involved in the game (Robbins 2003). They do not have to wait by the end of the exercise to see their performance and see any drawbacks that were associated with their exercise. Another advantage of simulation games is that they are easily replicable in a number of settings. The instructions of the games are available to anyone who might want to replicate them thus eliminating the need of a trainer. Thus simulation games present a relatively cost effective way of management development.

However there are disadvantages associated with simulation games as well. The biggest disadvantage is that the games cannot fully replicate the real-life situations that managers may face in their organizations. Thus the range of skills that can be applied to solve the problems may be limited.

Finally, we will discuss the fourth type of simulation which is the reality based simulation. Reality based simulations are pretty much less predictable when compared to thither kinds of simulations such as role-playing or simulation games. They tend to be closer to reality hence the parameters of the simulation have to be constantly watched by the trainer so that that the exercise is within the bounds of the simulation. As already mentioned, the real world is filled with numerous variables that involve the participant to be involved with in numerous capacities. The job of the trainer is to make sure that the variable are minimized to the level demanded by the learning objective. For this reason, reality based methods require that greater resources be devoted to the monitoring aspect (Guirdham 2002).

The reality based simulation is very close to the reality. For example, in a reality based simulation, the manager may be required to deal with a real colleague who has real personal problems. The manager thus has to deal with a ’real problem’.





最后,我们将讨论第四种类型的仿真,是基于现实的模拟。现实的模拟是非常不可预测相比,那里种模拟角色扮演模拟游戏等。他们往往是更接近现实,因此参数的仿真必须不断地看着由教练使,运动的范围内的模拟。正如已经提到的,现实世界充满了许多变数,包括参与者的参与在众多的能力。工作的教练是确保变量最小化的水平要求的学习目标。为此,基于现实的方法需要更多的资源致力于监测方面(guirdham 2002)。
