


The blood pressure of the body get increase if the person have alcohol and also the in the hot bath tub. This happens because of the chemical and physical reaction in the body. This will increase the chance of heart failure but the use of Lasix; will help in reducing the blood pressure and preventing the heart disorders. Due to the blood pressure increase, the hypertension can get increase.  Previous studies have shown that while having drunk and in hot bath tub the blood pressure get increases to a certain level. Hot water helps in lowering down the blood pressure but the heavy drink tries to increases. (Suveer Singh, 2006)

After a sustained period of time in hot bath tub the blood pressure lowers. In other way it can be explained as the prolonged exposure of the lowering the blood pressure.To keep the blood pressure lower, one has to be in the hot water for a long period of time and not get out keeping it lowered. It is not a drug that actually lowers the blood pressure consistently and constantly.

On Saturday at 9:30 AM, after checking the BAC (Blood Alcohol concentration), Sam garrison who was investigating the death reports and cause of Roma and Clint in the hot bath tub, He went into the conservatory, where the housekeeper was being consoled by another officer. “Please, can you tell me if the Underhills were taking any medicine?” “Well, sir, I know he was complaining about having to use the bathroom a lot since he returned from the GP’s about two weeks ago. You might look in the cabinet over the sink where they keep aspirin and such.” Sam looked where she indicated and found a recently filled bottle of Furosemide. (WilfridJänig et al, 1992)

As Roma and Clint after having the drink in number went for taking a hot bath but due to the bad effect of the drink they got situation of death. As from the previous study it has been shown that Alcohols is very dangerous for the blood pressure increase and leading to the death in case of improper dosage. This is the main work which is continuously done by the Alcohols over the time period until the effects of the alcohols remain on the body.

The report of the Roma and Clint, “48.1 degree Celsius, What is this thing doing so hot?” Sam Garrison (a detective) asked Kavita as he removed the thermometer from the water.  He was investigating the death of Roma and Clint Underhill, prominent property dealers in London. “This hot tub should be no more than 42 degrees.” He remembered reading a Consumer Product Safety Commission flyer on hot tubs and wondered if the tub was associated with the death. The bodies were being taken away for autopsy as he took in the scene.





