

在不断变化的商业环境中,技术在商业组织中发挥着至关重要的作用,整个组织更加重视根据组织的要求制定实施最新技术的适当策略。先进的技术支持使业务活动变得更加简单,技术的有效利用也降低了活动的精确度和时间跨度。库存管理是组织最重要的任务之一。早期的业务保留了人工库存,这主要是麻烦的,管理库存有很多困难。在案例中,名为“Happy Fun Toy Fest”的玩具店正在跟踪其记事本中的库存,这与手动过程相同。

唯一的区别是不是将信息记录在库存注册簿中,而是将记录保存在计算机记事本(Burleson,2003)中。目前,根据该组织的战略决定,该公司的所有者决定用基于网络的界面替换旧的记事本记录保存系统以进行库存管理。它被认为是明智的商业决策,因为它支持提高公司的库存管理效率。为此,程序员需要开发一个合适的基于Web的界面,为此,程序员决定应用一个合适的基于PHP / SQL的数据库,以满足公司的需求。 SQL是一种有效的关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS),支持开发结构化数据库以及链接对象。


In the changing business environment, where technologies play a crucial role in the business organizations, the entire organizations provide greater emphasis on developing appropriate strategies for implementing latest technologies according to the requirement of the organization. The advanced technologies support in making the business activities easier, and efficient use of technologies also reduce accurate as well as the time span of the activities. Inventory management is one of the most vital tasks for an organization. The early business kept manual inventory, which was mostly cumbersome and there are a lot of difficulties to manage the inventory. In the undertaken case, the toy shop named “Happy Fun Toy Fest” is keeping track of its inventory in notepad, which is the same as a manual process.

The only difference is instead of recording the information in inventory register book, and the record was kept in computer Notepad (Burleson, 2003). Currently, as per the strategic decision of the organization, the owner of the company Freddy has decided to replace the old Notepad record keeping system for it inventory management with a web-based interface. It is considered as a wise business decision as it supports in improving the efficiency of the inventory management of the company. For this purpose, the programmer needs to develop a suitable web-based interface, and for this, the programmer decides to apply an appropriate PHP/SQL based database that supports in fulfilling the need of the company. The SQL is an effective relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports in developing structured database as well as linking the objects.
