


顾名思义,七步模型在其过程中有七个重要步骤。作为此过程的第一步,将开发业务用例。这有助于建立公司的总体目标或共同愿景(Aras &Crowther, 2009)。这是为了确保所有的利益相关者都知道公司的最终目标。该模型的第二步是对公司资源的评估。应该有可行性,以确保过程可以完成与公司的资源。第三步是调查和确定公司对社会责任和承诺的动机。这包括了解流程的可行性以及完成CSR背后的员工动机(Boiral & Henri, 2015)。第四步是对企业社会责任的承诺。让利益相关者参与到公司的发展中来是很重要的。第五步是企业社会责任的战略制定。在流程的第六步中,有公司利益相关者的认可和参与。这使得公司能够帮助获得利益相关者的协作。流程的最后一步是流程的度量和报告。在这个过程中,有对事件的报告,也有责任。这使公司能够了解他们的流程。该过程的内在脆弱性被引入到这七个步骤的模型中。

学院论文代写 :企业七步模型和卡罗尔模型

企业社会责任的层次模型如上所述,由Carroll(1991)提出,有时也称为卡罗尔模型。根据卡罗尔的模型,企业社会责任活动可以被看作是一个层次结构,组织的社会责任活动从最基本的活动转移到最慈善的活动(Sanchez, 2015)。CSR的层次模型有四个重要的组件。理解这四个模型和嵌入其中的过程是非常必要的。该模型被认为是第一个为解决企业社会责任的内在问题而开发的相关框架,也是企业社会责任发展的一种富有成效的方法。小企业面临许多问题。需要一个相关的理论模型来更好地理解CSR的过程(Baumgartner, 2014)。

学院论文代写 :企业七步模型和卡罗尔模型

The seven step model as the name implies has seven important steps in its process. As a first step in this process, the business case is developed. This aids in the setting up of the overall objective or the shared vision of the company (Aras &Crowther, 2009). This is to ensure that all the stakeholders are aware of the final objective of the company. The second step of this model is the evaluation of the resources of the company. There should be feasibility to ensure that the processes can be completed with the resources of the company. The third step lies in the investigation and identification of the motives of the company towards social responsibility and commitment. This involves finding out about the feasibility of the processes and the employee motivation behind the completion of the CSR (Boiral & Henri, 2015). The fourth step of the model is committing towards the social responsibility of the company. It is important to have stakeholder engagement for the company to move forward. The fifth step of the company is the strategizing of the CSR. There is recognition and engagement of the stakeholders of the company in the sixth step of the processes. This enables the company to aid in gaining the stakeholder collaboration. The final step of the process is the measurement and the reporting of the processes. In this process, there is reporting of the events and there is accountability in this process. This enables the companies to gain understanding of their processes. The inherent vulnerability of the process is brought to the foray in this seven step model.

学院论文代写 :企业七步模型和卡罗尔模型

The Hierarchy model of CSR is presented above, and it was proposed by Carroll (1991) and hence sometimes is also called as Caroll’s model. According to the Caroll’s model, the CSR initiatives can be considered as a hierarchy where the CSR activities of the organization move from the most basic initiative to the most philanthropic (Sanchez, 2015). The hierarchy model of the CSR has four important components that have been attached to it. It is imperative to understand the four models and the processes embedded into it. This model has been considered as is one the first relevant framework that was developed to address the inherent issues and a productive methodology for the development of the CSR. There are many issues that the small businesses face. There is a need for a relevant theoretical model that is used for the greater understanding of the processes of the CSR (Baumgartner, 2014).