




The narrator’s experiences with Norton are discussed throughout the chapters three through five of Invisible Man. Mr. Norton is accompanied by the narrator and the narrator is in a situation to treat Norton due to the sudden shock experienced. Norton was taken to chapel service where themes like racism, poverty and limitations of ideology are rather clear. The story of Barbee at the chapel service makes it clear that he has overcame his situation of poverty and his story appears to have thoroughly motivated Norton as both, Barbee and Norton, are blind.
       Norton is the key character of the chapters three through five. After the visit to Golden Day, Norton is unable to digest the situation and demands the narrator to take him back to the college. Dr. Bledsoe is an important character throughout this play. He is believed to have remained as a moral support to Norton and understands from his point of view. He is highly worried about the situation of Mr. Norton and offers suggestions to Norton and directs him to take Norton to the evening service.