

顾客行为主要是后天习得的行为。这是本文的论文主旨陈述。为了讨论这篇essay thesis statement,我们使用了几个方面和客户学习的基本理论(Madzharov et al., 2015)。从这个角度出发,本文讨论了作为刺激的信息是如何通过营销获得的,以及它们如何影响作为顾客的学习过程。通过使用示例来探索这一点。这些例子包括发送的消息、对客户行为的影响以及多年来学习方式的变化。随之而来的是产品营销方式的变化以及客户对营销活动的反应方式。


n的例子可以通过场景,在该场景中,一名乘客在机场得知大喊大叫的值机人员不会导致up-gradation机票类更高,个体将更可能停止重复这样的行为,在未来将不会执行这样的行为。有时,人们认为个体每次都会得到奖励,行为被描述和执行(Madzharov et al., 2015)。一个例子可以从每次通过将硬币插入自动贩卖机来获得软饮料的顾客身上得到。然而,研究表明,没有必要在每次学习发生时奖励任何或某些行为。这种行为是可以学习的,即使在这种情况下,这种行为只在某些时候得到奖励,而不总是。结果表明,几种不同的加固方案是可行的。


固定比例:当行为每10次被执行一次,就会受到奖励或惩罚(Solomon, 2014)。这主要体现在忠诚卡奖励中,购物者每5次或10次在特定品牌或商店购物,就会获得免费产品。



Customer behaviour is majorly learned behaviour. This is the essay thesis statement for the purpose of this paper. There are several aspects and fundamental customer learning theories utilized in order to discuss this essay thesis statement (Madzharov et al., 2015). From this perspective, the essay engages in discussing the way in which messages as stimuli are obtained through marketing and they influence the way in which learning as customers is undergone. This is explored through use of examples. These examples comprise of the sent message, influence over the customer behaviour and the way in which learning has changed throughout the years. This is further followed by the changes in the way products are marketed along with the ways in which customers respond to activities of marketing.


n example of this can be gained through the scenario in which a passenger at airport learns that yelling at the personnel of check-in will not result in up-gradation of the ticket to the higher class, the individual will more likely stop to repeat such behaviour and will not perform such act in the future. At times, it is viewed that individual is rewarded each time and the behaviour is depicted and performed (Madzharov et al., 2015). An example can be taken from the customer that received a soft drink each time through inserting the coins in the vending machine. However, it is identified that there is no essentiality of rewarding any or certain behaviour each of the time for occurrence of learning. The behaviour can be learned even in the case wherein the behaviour is rewarded only at times and not always. It is found that several varied reinforcement schedules are possible.
Fixed interval: This is the case wherein the consumer received a reward on a fixed date or time and the interval is defined when particular behaviour is performed
Fixed ration: This takes place when the behaviour is either rewarded or punished on every 10th time the behaviour is performed (Solomon, 2014). This is mostly viewed in the loyalty card rewards wherein the shoppers receive free product on every 5th or 10th time they shop in a particular brand or shop.
Variable ratio: This is defined through chances of reward being present in terms of percentage for each action or behaviour that is performed by an individual. An example for this can be taken where chances of reward is associated with a particular product. Hence, when a customer purchases a product, the free reward might be received two times in a row due to the percentage chances of being rewarded and there can be an instance wherein the customer does not receive the free reward even once in 10 actions or behaviours performed. Hence, the subjectivity remains high in the variable ratio.
