



英国毕业论文 :业务重组及相关人力资源因素


英国毕业论文 :业务重组及相关人力资源因素

Managing restructuring of business and related human resource factors
Domestic-Powerco has been involved in the process of restructuring of its business units and processes. When an organization like Domestic-Powerco undertakes the massive work of restructuring of business, there is a need to have proper management and control over the people issues. The factors which control the working of the people within the organization become extremely for the purpose of managing the working and the style of people. The quantum and quality of work processes undergo significant changes on account of the changes in the restructuring process of the organization. Therefore, it becomes crucial for the company to invest thought regarding the HRM factors.

英国毕业论文 :业务重组及相关人力资源因素

The employee morale and the working of the various factors of the people are likely to be come under close scrutiny with the presence of the restructuring for the business. An inherent aspect of such form of restructuring of the business is the manner in which allows the creation of large-scale cost cutting. There is a need for the organizations to have proper investment in the restructuring of the labour force and the work processes with the intention of cost-cutting. In the case of Domestic-Powerco, such form of organizational decision-making process was accompanied by the cost-rationalization. Also, it has been seen that the working of the cost-rationalization is normally developed on the basis of the overall working of the labour force. The labour force is properly managed and redundant work processes and tasks are removed for the purpose of reducing the costs .