





A second pattern is based on a common theme that I have found in my husband and his family. It is their reading habit. They have an almost incessant reading habit. I have seen them read their way through so many literature within a short span of time. From reading up on professional articles such as the ones needed for their work, they move on to read fiction or poems and magazines. They even read when they are at the table. Research argues that generational transmissions can be of an environmental thing or a family and cultural value. Growing up in family house with a library nearby could have influenced my husband and his siblings. However, I think the habit is ingrained in their parents. I have seen my father in law read something even when he dined. Therefore, the influence on my husband and others with respect to the reading habit must be a family thing. Now, my husband’s sibling married a writer. It is a direct connection as he has read her books before and had met her at a local book signing event before. However, it was years later that they started dating and got married.

Finally, the third pattern that I identified is how our occupational choices happened. Both my parents are doctors and so is my eldest sibling. I have an active interest and am thinking of pursuing a career allied to the medical field for my future. I believe these are motivations that we have carried on from our family and our culture. Firstly, according to the socioeconomic background analysis, my father’s father was situated in a well enough social and economic position to understand the value of an education that would benefit society. We were able to pursue it economically as well, as pursuing a medical degree is not exactly inexpensive in China. I believe my grandparents had foresight when they motivated my father to pursue his medical degree. His education was something they knew they could support financially. They also knew that this path of education would be an excellent career choice given that we wanted to give back something to society. I believe this is one reason that my father has encouraged us to get into medical fields. Would this be a choice that I would want to promote to my children? I am not sure of that but I would definitely want to give them information for a better decision making. Now this pattern is something that influences my brother in his choice of girlfriends. He does not consciously look up people from his profession. However, when he does decide to go steady with a girlfriend, it is almost always someone that is pre-med or is interested in some allied profession in the medical field. His dating dynamics indicates that subconsciously he is tuned to the fact that both our parents are doctors or at least from the same field. Our parents had a successful marriage and somewhere he believes that the success of the marriage is because they are from the same field and this plays out in his own dating ventures.