




For this let us start with understanding what mediation is. Mediation can be simply defined as the way of resolving disputes in which a third party, who is termed as a mediator, helps both the parties involved in the dispute to come to an agreement which is accepted by both parties. Mediation can be of different forms which we are going to discuss in this paper. There are different pros and cons of different mediation techniques and are used as per applicable or possible. When the parties involved in a conflict comes to a mutual agreement and the mediation is successful, all the details are being noted down and it is converted into a legal document unless the parties state otherwise. Mediation can vary from taking the form of “facilitative” where, as the name suggests, the mediator facilitates and constructs a process for the parties to reach to a mutually agreed solution to the form of “evaluative” where the mediator assists the parties in reaching to a mutually agreed solution by helping them out. Mediator is sometimes compared with a catalyst in a chemical reaction. As the catalyst makes the chemical reaction take place between different chemicals, the mediator helps different parties involve in a dispute to get it resolved. Mediation is the most common and popular alternative dispute resolution technique (Folberg, 1984). The mediator sometimes can just play the role of a mere facilitator where they are not actually taking part in the issue resolution but are facilitating the entire process. Also, in some cases they play an important role in dispute resolution by assisting the parties with their weaknesses, identifying their bargaining powers, and encouraging the different parties involved to come to a mutual agreement (Stulberg, 1996).