

技术风险——高估和低估是看起来很小的技术错误,但是它们的影响是昂贵的。对于承包商来说,过高估计项目或部分项目(如隧道)的资源和原材料将是昂贵的。此外,原材料可能不是普遍的,而是具体项目的,在其他地方使用它们可能是不可能的,因此在订购产品时需要明智的决策。对路线的低流量等低估,可能不利于项目目标的实现。在这种情况下,可能会允许高估,因为更少的车会有更多的空间,但是当有更多的车时,高估总是有用的。按照较低的交通流量制定路线可能会破坏项目目标,因为更改路线的成本可能比预期的要高。Miller & Lessard(2001)认为大型工程项目包含高失败概率和不可逆承诺。因此,不存在技术错误的空间,错误或风险识别框架和团队对于修复泄漏是必不可少的。

英国代写 :项目的技术高估风险和财务风险


英国代写 :项目的技术高估风险和财务风险

Technical risk – Overestimation and underestimation are small looking technical errors, but their implications are costly. Overestimating the resource and raw materials for the project or a section of the project, say the tunnel, will prove to be costly for the contractor. Moreover, the raw materials may not be universal but project-specific and using them elsewhere may be impossible, hence wise decision is necessary in ordering products. Underestimation such as low traffic flow through the route, can work against the project objective. In this case, overestimation may be allowed, since there will be more space for fewer cars, but can always be useful when there are more cars. Making the route as per low traffic flow can destroy the project objective because alteration may be more costly than expected. Miller & Lessard (2001) agrees that large engineering projects contain high probabilities of failure and irreversible commitments. Thus, there lies no room for technical errors and an error or risk identification framework and team are essential to fix the leak.

英国代写 :项目的技术高估风险和财务风险

The environment of economic condition in which the project operates contains the project and not otherwise, thus rendering the project as superior and uncontrollable. Any shift in economic conditions, recessionary events, and sudden crash of economies are likely against which the project must guard itself. Weakened financial conditions can affect the project cost, lower wages, dent manpower confidence, damage government reputation, and diminish the contractors’ value. These are to be attended with expert advice and right judgement, so all eventualities are anticipated. Financial woes can weaken even the interest of the government to complete the project, due to its recurring interest accumulated of the debt finance . Any want of identifying possible attack from the market can be fatal for the project, leading to its unfortunate end.
