

翻转课堂被认为是一个连续的循环,学生在课堂中获得观看视频、讨论和应用这些知识的机会,同时观看另一个视频以获得新的内容介绍(Shannon, 2013)。这是一个连续的循环。翻转课堂可以看作是两种发展良好的教育要素——主动学习和课堂教学的结合。众所周知,学生有视频讲座的可访问性前进的时间和其他背景材料(Sadler, 2010)。这有助于为学生提供更多的面对面的时间来寻求教育者的澄清,与同伴合作,实践概念的应用。直接从专家那里获得反馈和指导。

英国德语学论文代写 :翻转课堂的研究分析

教育者倾向于翻转课堂或课堂来理解家庭作业提供的价值,他们认为家庭作业对学习有用(Baker, 2000)。家庭作业很重要,因为它是一段时间,在这段时间里,学生倾向于与家人分享他们在学习上的进步,运用个人的想法,同时反映他们的学习和复习材料,并得到教育工作者的反馈。差异化倾向于产生于这样一种想法,即学生以几种不同的方式获得学习,同时提供了以多种不同的方式展示不同学科和问题的能力的机会(Bakhtin, 1981)。加德纳(1993)曾描述过,这几种模式包括多元智能和多种模式。在考虑这两个因素时,包括人际关系、音乐、数学逻辑、动觉和自然因素、听觉和视觉等学习风格。Anderson(2007)认为,差异化可以在教室中设置一种环境,在这种环境中,每个学生都因其独特的学习风格而受到重视。

英国德语学论文代写 :翻转课堂的研究分析

The flipped classroom is considered as a continuous cycle as student gains the opportunity of watching a video, discussing and applying such knowledge within the classroom, while watching another video for new introduction of content (Shannon, 2013). This flows as a continuous loop. A flipped classroom can be considered as a combination of two well-developed elements of education, active learning and the lecture. Students are known to have the accessibility of video lectures moving ahead with time and other background material (Sadler, 2010). This helps in providing the students with more scope for face-to-face time to seek clarification from the educators, collaborating with the peers, and practicing the application of concepts. Feedback and guidance can be obtained from the experts directly .

英国德语学论文代写 :翻转课堂的研究分析

Educators tend to flip their lectures or classes understanding the values provided by homework, and they consider it useful for learning (Baker, 2000). Homework is significant as it is a duration in which students tend to share their progress in learning with the family, with the application of individual thoughts while reflecting their learning and reviewing of material along with the feedback of educator . Differentiation tends to arise out of the idea that students gain learning in several modalities, while provided with the opportunity for demonstration of competency in different subjects and matters by a number of different ways (Bakhtin, 1981). It has been described by Gardner (1993), that these several modalities are inclusive of multiple intelligences and modalities. When considering these two elements, there was an inclusion of learning styles like interpersonal, musical, mathematic logical kinesthetic and naturalistic factors, audio and visual among the others. It has been identified by Anderson (2007) that differentiation allows to set an environment in the classroom in which each and every student is valued for their unique styles of learning.
