

随着技术的快速发展,新西兰的旧技术被丢弃(Yeo et al., 2015)。进步的速度如此之快不是国家的错,而是因为没有采取适当的措施。这些措施本可以帮助拯救国家及其周边地区(Petridis et al., 2016)。新西兰境内大多数多余的电子工具都被填满了。据描述,每年全国倾倒电子废弃物3 -4亿件,只有20%或更少的电子废弃物能够达到回收利用阶段(Farrelly et al., 2014)。尽管这8万吨垃圾仅占新西兰垃圾填埋场总垃圾的2%,但产生的有毒垃圾总量却占70%。

英国地理学论文代写 :电子垃圾是新西兰的问题吗?

《减少废物法》是在2008年实施的,其中规定了管理产品的条款,尽管该条款并不是由该部提供的(Herat et al., 2015)。然而,根据这项法案,回收作为一个过程已经在一个地方层面上发生,其中部和人民已经开始作出更大的努力,以保持电子垃圾远离垃圾填埋场的区域。然而,这种浪费是如此之大,以至于这样的努力似乎都是徒劳的。如果出现这种情况,并且这种情况继续上升,那么将对该地区造成不可逆转的损害(Herat et al., 2015)。

英国地理学论文代写 :电子垃圾是新西兰的问题吗?

With technologies advancing at a faster pace, the older ones in New Zealand are thrown away (Yeo et al., 2015). It is not the fault of the nation that advancement is taking place at such a tremendous rate but the fault lies in the fact that there are no measures put into position. These measures could have helped in saving the nation and its surrounding (Petridis et al., 2016). Most redundant electronic tools within New Zealand are being land filled. It has been depicted that 300-400 million electronic waste materials has been dumped within the nation every year and only 20 percent or lesser than that has been able to reach the stage of recycling (Farrelly et al., 2014). While such 80,000 waste in tonnes accounts only for 2 percent of New Zealand landfills total waste, total toxic waste generated accounts for 70 percent.

英国地理学论文代写 :电子垃圾是新西兰的问题吗?

The act of Waste Minimization was implemented in the year 2008 with a provision for stewardship product even though this was not provided through the ministry (Herat et al., 2015). Under this act, recycling as a process however has taken place at a localized level wherein ministry and people have started to make larger efforts for keeping the e-waste to stay out of the zones of landfills. However, the waste is so large that even such an effort seems to be wasted. If this is the situation and if such a situation keeps rising, then this will result in causing a damage of irreversible nature to the region (Herat et al., 2015).
