



英国动物科学论文代写 :员工倦怠分析


英国动物科学论文代写 :员工倦怠分析

Companies can sustain only if they have a strong workforce. The employees ensure the sustenance of a company. More often than not the companies create a situation for employee burnout. Employee burnout is the exhaustion or fatigue that the employee faces through their physical or emotional exertion. This occurs owing to prolonged stressful situation . In many cases the employee burnout is not because of their personal circumstances it is because of the stressful situation of the work environment. There are many tangents that lead to the creation of a hostile or stressful working environment that leads to the issues of employee burnout. The burnout of the employee can cause frustration or indifference of the attitude of the employee. It can cause the employee to not be productive during the working hours and cause absenteeism .

英国动物科学论文代写 :员工倦怠分析

The companies also face employee turnover as a result of the employee burnout. These factors turn the work environment into a hostile working environment. This would lead to productivity issues of the company. The healthcare expenditure for the company increases. The stressful work environment impedes in the creation of a safe working environment for the people. The creation of stressful or hostile working environment for the employee is created by a combination of tangible and intrinsic factors of the company. Companies need to probe into the root causes of employee burnout in order to sustain in the current competitive markets . Companies try to find a number of solutions to deal with the issue of employee burnout to increase productivity and prevent employee retention.
The purpose of this report is to understand the factors that contribute towards the employee burnout, consequences of the burnout and the ways in which the management handles these situations.