

Don Mills的商店使用各种各样的营销手段,如报纸广告、活动、社交媒体、折扣和优惠,以及城市周围的当地广告牌来吸引消费者购买相关的产品或服务。广告牌和地方报纸广告是吸引当地消费者的有效途径。附近的电影院和剧院也是广告最吸引消费者的地方之一。

英国essay代写 :商场营销策略的比较分析

Fairview Mall也像Don Mills的商店一样做广告,但它更注重社交媒体,并使用最新的技术,这样它就能接触到大量的消费者。本地部落广告的成本可能比社交媒体高,但部落广告比社交媒体更能吸引本地消费者。两家商场都在策划本土化的营销策略来吸引消费者。降价也是吸引新老消费者的营销策略。市场营销对于这些商场来说是非常重要的,因为没有市场营销,获得新的消费者将是非常困难的,这将影响商场的收入。


英国essay代写 :商场营销策略的比较分析

The Shops at Don Mills uses various methods of marketing options such as newspaper advertisement, events, social media, discounts and offers, and local hoardings around the city to attract the consumers to buy the relevant products or services. The hoardings and local newspapers advertisements are effective ways to attract the local consumers. The nearby cinemas and theaters are also one of the options where the advertisements are done with greatest offers to attract the consumers.

英国essay代写 :商场营销策略的比较分析

Fairview Mall also does the same kind of advertising as by Shops at Don Mills, but Fairview more focuses on social media as well with use of latest technologies so that it can reach to large number of consumers. The cost for local hording advertising is might higher than social media, but hording attracts many local consumers to the mall than social media. The localized marketing strategies are planned by both the malls to attract the consumers. Reduction in prices is also great strategy that is used as marketing strategy to attract new as well as old consumers. Marketing is very important for these malls as without marketing, getting new consumers will be tough and this will impact on the revenue of the mall.
The marketing strategies changes over the time as per the festive need or as per the new offers for the products in the city. Overall, both the malls are needed to have strong marketing strategies to attract the customers, and both malls almost do the same kind of marketing activities.
