




1.The writer has used historical events and issues and description of a dilemma or problem. The technique is suitable with references. It can be more indicative without repetitions and structured.
2.The introduction is effective enough and can be made even better with structured information, indicating reasons to write the essay. Since it is an unread topic, I wanted to read more and understand the topic and the reasons to write the essay as is. The writer could have written it better with more research, citations and examples on the topic as well as better sentence construction.
3.The thesis is based on the Blacks (Negros) as they are called during the American Civil war their issues and the reasons for their slavery. ‘Lincoln freed the slaves, giving them a free man status. This has laid a solid foundation for the eradication of slavery in the law, but also provides the premise for the restoration of the Union in the abolition of slavery conditions. According to the 1850 “Fugitive Slave Law” will they returned to its original owner, this in fact is still in the maintenance of slavery, was the progress of radical bourgeois opposition. This process can be seen, is a sensitive issue, generals military needs first to touch the slaves based on status, identity. Declaration is not equal to legal slavery was abolished, but it is from the law and the constitution laid the foundation for the abolition of slavery.
4.After reading the essay it seems it’s just been written as in thought. The author has tried to narrate everything he has understood. His thought is incomplete which reflects in the incomplete long sentences. If the sentences were shortened it would seem more sensible. Some portions seem pasted as they look correct yet do not make sense.