

英国基因工程学论文代写 :法医科学NAS研究报告

就法医科学研究的关键学科和整个社会而言,美国国家科学院关于法医科学的报告阐述了在所有可想象的领域中确定其未来道路的要求(NAS 285)。从一开始,人们就阐明了法医学系统所面临的压力。强调要求之间的鲜明对比的真实性的证据,已经负担过重的系统压力,坚定的需要更好的基础设施,研究基金,贯有科学素养的人员(231年NAS)和增加系统的整体能力的有效处理大量积压的情况下,已经提出(NAS 39)。


鉴于法医学证据在诉讼法学和科学上的突出地位,已列举了司法处置的具体例子,例如强调在唯一证据是DNA检测时应加强审查,以及消除与药物鉴定有关的不确定性的建议,指纹识别证据的概念作为“强有力的证据”被广泛接受,尽管社区专家自己在一些关键时刻质疑其有效性(NAS 86)。此外,基于科学方法的基本原则,对刑事审判中取证证据的可靠性进行了研究和解释,这不仅适用于这一特定学科,而且在科学界也有统一的共识。该报告正确地强调了深入研究测量误差、错误率和偏差来源等基本问题的重要性。通过对各种子学科(NAS 127)的描述,阐述了改进方法、实践和表现的范围,包括系统地开发新的方法论、各相关领域之间更好的接口以及更高层次的社区间话语(NAS 183)。 英国基因工程学论文代写:法医科学NAS研究报告

英国基因工程学论文代写 :法医科学NAS研究报告

As far as the crucial discipline of Forensic Science Studies and the Community as a whole are concerned, the Report on Forensic Science by the National Academy of Sciences, elaborates the requirements that would course its future path in all conceivable realms (NAS 285). At the very outset, the pressures on the Forensic Science System have been elucidated. Highlighting the stark contrast between the demands for ‘authenticity of evidence’ and added pressure on the already overburdened systems, the staunch need for better infrastructure, research-funding, scientifically-trained personnel (NAS 231) and increasing the overall capacity of the system to efficiently handle the massive backlog of cases, has been put forth (NAS 39).

英国基因工程学论文代写 :法医科学NAS研究报告

Given the prominence of Forensic Science Evidence in Litigation Law and Science, specific examples of Judicial Dispositions have been cited, such as the emphasis on higher scrutiny when DNA Testing is the sole evidence, suggestions for eliminating the uncertainty associated with Drug Identification, and the notion of Fingerprints Identification Evidence reverberating acceptance as ‘strong evidence’ despite the community experts themselves questioning their validity at several junctures (NAS 86). Furthermore, the reliance of Forensic Evidences in Criminal Trials has been studied and interpreted, based on the basic principles of the scientific method, which is not just valid for this particular discipline but has uniform consensus amongst the scientific community. The report rightfully highlights the importance of going down to the basics like measurement errors, error rates and sources of bias. After touching upon the descriptions of various sub-disciplines (NAS 127), the scope of improving methods, practice and performance have been laid out, which include the systematic development of new methodology, better interface between the various inter-related fields and higher level of inter-community discourse (NAS 183).