

在人力资源管理中,可以看到管理者的积极支持和参与对于提高员工和组织管理层之间的士气和工作关系变得至关重要。这意味着公司的工作依赖于员工之间关系的全面管理(Fargus, 2000)。当组织能够促进适当的管理和员工激励水平的发展时,就提高了组织的效率。

英国历史学论文代写 :管理支持和员工激励

创造更好形式的员工士气直接归因于管理敬业度的关键因素。通过“电话、团队会议和面对面会议”(Redman & Wilkinson, 2006),来自经理或主管的持续沟通和支持可以提高员工的士气。就公司而言,监事经常与其雇员保持联系和工作,以便为他们提供一切必要的支持。这使得员工享有更高的士气和改善他们的工作相关的动机(Whiteley, 2002)。

英国历史学论文代写 :管理支持和员工激励

In HRM, it is seen that the active support and involvement of the managers become crucial to improve the morale and working relationship between the employees and the management of the organization. This means that the working of the firm is dependent on the overall management of the relationships between the employees (Fargus, 2000). When organizations are able to promote the proper management and the development of the motivational level of the employees, it improves the efficiency of the organization.

英国历史学论文代写 :管理支持和员工激励

The creation of better forms of employee morale is directly attributed to the key factor of managerial engagement. The constant communication from the managers or supervisor and support through “phone calls, team meetings, and face-to-face meetings” (Redman & Wilkinson, 2006) allows the creation of improvement in employee morale. In the case of the company, supervisors were constantly in touch and working with their employees for the purpose of providing their all forms of necessary support. This allowed the employees to enjoy higher level of morale and improvement in their work related motivation (Whiteley, 2002).
