


在当代,组织试图找到各种方法来确保在动态环境中获得成功和维持。他们需要评估宏观环境因素和维持的内部范式。这些公司需要开发一种模式,使它们能够获得竞争优势。变革阻力、管理实施、弱战略实施、管理支持、缺乏利益相关者的支持导致动力丧失,而冗余战略导致人们抵制变革或导致企业在市场上面临损失(Cooper, 2016)。维持生计的关键是开发一个范例,为产品创造动力。这种策略可以通过塑造人们在当前系统中思考和行动的方式来实现。公司应该有可行的方法和系统的方法来制定战略,并使利益相关者朝着共同的愿景一致。


英国留学生 :公司产品销售成功的环境因素分析


防止这种矛盾的方法是持续的评价。这意味着公司的所有员工都应该为公司寻找改进流程和优化资源的方法。公司应该有一种方法来确保员工与愿景保持一致。公司应该有一种形成适应循环的方法。自适应循环是一个在资源聚合和转换之间交替进行的系统(Frery, 2006)。公司应该使用适应性循环中讨论的四个原则,并制定一个能够满足所有涉众需求的系统。

英国留学生 :公司产品销售成功的环境因素分析

In the contemporary times, organizations try to find various means to ensure success and sustain in the dynamic environment. They need to assess the macro environmental factors and the internal paradigm to sustain. The companies need to develop a paradigm that would enable them to gain competitive advantage. Change resistance, management implementation, weak strategy implementation, management support, lack of support from the stakeholders leads to loss in momentum and a redundant strategy leads the people to resist change or causes the companies to face losses in the markets (Cooper, 2016). The key to sustenance is to develop a paradigm that would create momentum for a product. This strategy can be implemented by molding the ways in which people would think and act in the current systems. There should be feasible ways and systematic ways for the companies to develop strategy and align the stakeholders towards a shared vision.

The purpose of this analysis is to look into the possible pitfalls of a product sales and to find ways to gain momentum for a product or service deliverable.

英国留学生 :公司产品销售成功的环境因素分析

The people like to emulate success and always be successful. This is a form of human nature. In the process the people like to continue a system that was once successful. They do not like to have a system in place where the company wants to experiments. The people prefer to have a system that was successful. This process of change brings insecurities to the people and they feel it is better to adhere to the system that enabled them to gain success in the past. Hence the management should create a new innovative futuristic vision where all the stakeholders are included. This will remove the innate fear of the system.

The ways to prevent the paradox is continual evaluation. This means that all the employee of the companies should look for ways for the companies to improve its process and look for ways to optimize resources. The company should have a method of ensuring that the people are aligned with the vision. The company should have a method of forming the adaptive cycle. The adaptive cycle is a system that is found to alternate between aggregation and transformation of the resources (Fréry, 2006). The companies should use the four tenets discussed in the adaptive cycle and formulate a system that would meet all the stakeholder requirements.