

斐济水公司是一家总部设在美国的瓶装水出口商。自1995年以来,该公司得以逃税。他们终于被迫补缴了税款。然而,该公司的这一行动使其获得了负面的印象。除此之外,该公司还因为与政府联系在一起,导致基于该模式的变革,以及没有做出真正的努力来帮助环境(“绿色清洗”)而名誉扫地。公司能够维持和改变其品牌形象,通过真正的努力重建社区(Ali & Ackley, 2011)。它们的解释如下。


英国论文重复率 :斐济水的案例研究分析

水的生产需要包装、供应链、配送和物流运作。由于靠近零售商店,Fiji water不得不延长运输时间。这导致该公司使用更多的能源,造成更多的碳足迹。该公司开展了“碳负”运动(Esposito, 2011)。他们试图向公众展示并努力减少公司每一个运营程序中的碳影响。斐济水公司宣称他们的目标是减少120%的碳排放。目前尚不清楚该公司是否达到了这一水平。然而,这种营销和公司的努力使它获得了一些失去的消费者惠顾与品牌。这导致了对该品牌整体的正面评价和更多的销售出现在有形的销售数字中。然后,该公司试图与当地农村社区建立真正的联系,并赞助项目,使当地社区得以发展。这些给公司带来了许多积极的形象。

英国论文重复率 :斐济水的案例研究分析

The Fiji Water Company is a bottled water exporter who is based in the United States. The company was able to escape from paying taxes since 1995. They were finally forced to pay the back taxes. However, this action by the company had caused it to gain negative perceptions. Apart from this, the company was discredited for linking itself to the government and causing changes based on the paradigm and not undertaking genuine efforts to help the environment (greenwashing). The company was able to sustain and change its brand persona by undertaking genuine efforts to rebuild the community (Ali & Ackley, 2011). They have been explained in the following.
The central question that any company faces while developing a CSR policy is how to manage the issue of profits. Fiji Company initially took a shortsighted approach that made the people assume that they were not genuinely interested in the community. This persona led to the stock failure of the company, and there was a need for the company to make tangible sales figure by developing a positive brand persona.

英国论文重复率 :斐济水的案例研究分析

The production of water requires packaging, supply chain, distribution and logistical operations. Fiji water had to use longer transport given the proximity to its retail stores. It led to the company to use more energy and cause more Carbon footprint. The company developed a “Carbon negative” campaign (Esposito, 2011). They tried to show the public and take efforts to reduce the carbon impact in every operational procedure of the company. Fiji Water marketed that they aimed to reduce the carbon footprints by 120%. It is not clear if the company had managed to reach this status. Nevertheless, this marketing and effort of the company enabled it to gain some of the lost consumer patronage associated with the brand. This led to the overall positive view of the brand and more sales in the tangible sales figure. The company then tried to form a genuine connection with the local rural communities and sponsored projects that enabled the local community to grow. These lead to a number of positive images for the company.
