


广告 电子媒体,吉百利印度在网站上的研究表明此产品在印度市场自2010年创建以来。这则广告是由奥美广告策划准备。该公司的创意总监说:“当时的想法是突出惊喜的元素,这也反映在电影中灿烂。这是一个五彩缤纷的颜色,俏皮的相互作用,乐趣和嬉闹。宝石,少年骇客和熊猫,忘了孩子,甚至他们的父母一定会喜欢的masti的商业。“类似的广告可以是疯狂的英国以及目标市场是相似的,在印度。可以显示在卡通频道的儿童观看在英国的广告。在社会渠道的黄金时间,家长平时看广告也可以播放。
在商场上周末的活动 周末时通常是这样确定的士绅参观商场和超市购物的提前了整整一周的时间。因此,这些现场的卡通人物在舞台上跳舞的活动,如可以通过事件管理公司组织和分发小礼物可以赶上这些家长和孩子们的注意力。
在商店的货架陈列和战略位置显示产品 一个人买什么,他看到的是一个古老的许多天才的营销策略。因此,谈判将需要与这种战略的地方,这是清晰可见的店主,孩子们可以来接他们,并加入他们的车。 囤积 最重要的战略位置囤积附近的学校及日间护理中心,这士绅移动。他们也应该有相同的消息中包含的电子和印刷媒体。 网站 虚拟营销的概念越来越多越来越多的客户转向网络,以得到更多的信息或解决一个查询。这可以通过添加详细页(http://www.cadbury.co.uk),将所有有关产品的信息,其成分和营养价值,其中一个车间或“宝石进入该网站,惊喜球定位器可以是固定的。应可在首页上,使网站的访问者惹人注意的一个按钮。应使用Facebook和Twitter等社交网站,赶上孩子的父母。应建立新的游戏和链接的网站,该网站设有卡通人物玩具中的惊喜球。可捆绑购买更经济增长率在网站刊登广告。联盟可以做其他的网站,如亚马逊和沃尔玛特点本产品。
结论 研究发现吉百利在英国市场上的宝石惊喜的需要。市场营销推广的产品包括相关的计划已经拟定。每月推广费用预测也载于附录一,进一步的研究可以在基本产品的详细口感变差。


Advertising Electronic Media: Research on the website of Cadbury India shows how well this product is marketed in India since 2010 its creation. The ad is prepared by Ogilvy and Mather Advertsing. Creative Director of the company said” the idea was to highlight the element of surprise and that’s reflected brilliantly in the film. It’s a riot of colour, playful interactions, fun and frolic. With Gems, Ben10 and the pandas, forget kids, even their parents will love the masti in the commercial.” Similar ad can be mad for UK as well as the target market is similar to that in India. The ads can be displayed on cartoons channels the children watch in UK. Ads can also be played during prime time on social channels which parents usually watch.

Print Media: This can be done only on the weekends of leading news daily and in sections related to children. These ads should be prepared in same lines of those of electronic advertising.

Activities in Shopping Malls on Weekends Weekends are the time when usually such identified gentry visits Malls and Supermarkets to shop for the entire week ahead. Hence activities like dancing on stage with these live Cartoon Characters can be organized via an event management company and small gifts can be distributed to catch the attention of these parents and children.   Display Shelves and Strategic Locations at Stores for displaying the Product  One buys what he sees is an old strategy followed by many genius marketers. So negotiations will needed with shop keepers for such strategic locations where this is clearly visible, kids can come and pick them up and add to their cart. Hoarding The most strategic locations for hoarding will be near to the schools and day care centers where this gentry moves. They should also have the same message as contained in electronic and print media. Website  As the concept of virtual marketing is growing more and more customers turn to web to get additional information or solve a query. This can be done by adding a detailed page on (http://www.cadbury.co.uk) which will have all the information about the product, its ingredients, and nutrition value, where one shop can for it or a “Gems Surprise Ball locator can be fixed into the site. A button should be made available on the home page so that it catches the attention of the website visitor. Social networking sites should be used like Facebook and twitter to catch up with children’s parents. New games should be created and linked in the website which features the cartoon character in toys of the surprise ball. Bundle buying can be advertised at a more economic rate in the website. Alliances can be done with other site like Amazon and Wal-Mart to feature this product.

Conclusion The research revealed the need of Cadbury’s Gems Surprise in the UK market. A plan related to marketing of the product including its promotion has been worked out. A monthly expenses forecast for promotion is also attached in annexure I. Further studied can take detailed taste variation in the base product.