

本篇文章主要是对于感知的理解,杰出的思想和意识形态源自于一种作为神的干预而来的单一感知。没有其他原因导致这样的事件,因为控制知觉只可能是由一个人谁是缺乏所有的感官和超越所有的感官知觉。Hightower(2010)谈到了阿基米德在确定不规则形状物体的体积时找到了一个解决方案的“尤里卡”时刻。这一刻只是阿基米德的一种神圣的感觉,否则他怎么能以另一种方式感知呢?本篇英国论文代写价格文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Prominent ideas and ideologies have been originated from a single perception that came as a divine intervention. There is no other cause of such events because controlling perception is only possible by someone who is devoid of all senses and is beyond all the sense perceptions. Hightower (2010) speaks about the ‘Eureka’ moment when Archimedes found out a solution in determining the volume of an object with an irregular shape. This moment is nothing but a divinatory perception that came to Archimedes, or else how could he have perceived it in another way?
This is a startling example of how divinatory perception works best in determining and inventing great ideas that go on to become renowned ideologies followed for centuries. Can the divinatory perception in Archimedes be rejected or, for that matter, what else can it be that manifested itself through Archimedes? Certainly, there is a contribution of divine perception that comes to people who then go on to develop the ideas into prominent ideologies.
Similarly, Nikola Tesla, while taking a walk on the road, made a discovery of alternating current (Tesla and Johnston, 1995), indicating one more incident of how divinatory perception is more important and is natural in its own manifestations. It probably comes at the right time, often when divinity needs it to be manifested. The rational mind involved in investigating through research forgets the divinatory perceptions that allow the free play of perception of senses to make conclusions and decisions. This makes the importance and reliability of research methods mere mechanical play, adopted to further an intended purpose and to avoid anything that is contrary.
Locke, a renowned philosopher, made a contention about the limitations of human knowledge mired by borrowed opinion and uncritical belief (Kemerling, 2011), a good enough testimony for the argument undertaken about the mechanical nature of research methods. Borrowed opinion is an element which cannot be dissociated with research methods, because every research has some basis of arguments and these basis are the variety of assumptions gained through previous research. These assumptions are gained through social and political influence, and they further shape the formation of a conclusion, rendering it as all in vain. This is because anything that is indefinite in its conclusion converted into a popular assumption, when used for influencing other research makes it powerless and weak without any merit.
