

  本篇英国论文代写价格-老年人滥用酒精问题讲了为分析新西兰与酒精滥用治疗行业相关的特定利益相关者合理的政策选择和战略建议,制定了以下政策概要,以便能在新西兰老年人中找到更好的酒精滥用解决方案。在研究的简要部分“情况”中,分析了新西兰目前为解决老年人滥用酒精问题所采用的政策和战略。本篇英国论文代写价格由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  In the former social psychology essay, the social issue which had been selected as the discussion topic is alcohol misuse among older people. The discussion of the former essay was made with respect to the relevant social issues in New Zealand. The below provided policy brief has been developed with an aim to analyse the justified policy options and strategic recommendations for specific stakeholders associated with alcohol misuse treatment industry in New Zealand so that better solutions for alcohol misuse among older New Zealanders could be found. In the situation brief part of the study, the currently applied policies and strategies in New Zealand for resolving the issues of alcohol misuse among older people have been analysed.

  It has been observed that governmental organisations like ALAC, ACNZ, HPA and others are highly active for dealing with alcohol misuse among older people within the nation. However, the activities of NGOs within the nation are found to be less. Hence, in the policy option and recommendation part of the study, specific policies and strategies like family therapy inclusion, collaborative working with government agencies, education programs for older people and family members and many other activities have been recommended for NGOs within the nation so that they could enhance their contribution towards the prevention of alcohol misuse among older New Zealanders.
