英国论文代写 家庭暴力



The Minneapolis study tested the efficiency of steps taken by the police to minimize domestic violence. 25 real scenarios were used. The cases on which this study is based dealt mainly with assault complaints led by bad behavior. These kinds of calls are the most common complaints related to domestic violence. The victim as well as the person who hurt the victim was required to be present at the scene of crime when the police reached in order to be considered for this research. 51 patrolling police officers of the police department of Minneapolis took part in this experiment. These participants were requested to implement any one of the three methods of dealing with domestic violence complaints. Only those cases were considered in which, the police felt from the phone calls that an actual assault had taken place. The three options of dealing with such cases were:

  • Sending the offender to some place far from victim for at least eight hours
  • Advising both the victim and the offender and settling their quarrels or fights
  • Arresting the offender

The time period for studying each case was till six months after the incident, during which the victims as well as the abusers were interviewed. The police files were referred to regularly to note whether repetition of similar incidents had taken place during that period or not. The entire experiment was conducted for 17 months and dealt with 330 cases of domestic violence. The results of this experiment suggested that arresting the abuser was the most efficient and functional police reaction. As per the outcome of this study, arresting the offenders minimized the chances of re-occurrence of the same incident in the following six months, by half. The other police reaction options, like separating the victim and abuser for eight hours and trying to settle the issues, were found to be less functional and their impacts were much lesser as compared to arresting (Siegel, 2003).





