


今天随着科技的进步,世界就像一个地球村,但仍然在大多数面前的最大问题之一的跨国组织是建立员工之间的合作,人属于不同的国家,国家和社会(Burnett 30/07/2013)。今天面临的许多组织中,常见的问题是相关的沟通障碍。这种沟通问题发生由于各种各样的员工一起工作。振奋人心的员工为共同的目标工作,来自不同的起源,并不是一件容易的事。





With the advent of technology today, world is like a global village but still one of the biggest problems in front of most of the multinational organizations is to create co-operation among their workforce, as the people belongs to different states, countries and society (Burnett 30/07/2013). The common problem today faced by many organizations, is related to the communication barrier. This communication problem occurs due to variety of employees working together. Inspiriting employees to work for the common goal that came from different origins, is not an easy task.

According to a survey conducted by Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) on global human capital management in the year 2012 about five challenges faced by companies in managing global workforce, 56% of employees do not get involved and co-operate each other at work. If company wanted to change this behaviour of their employees it needed awareness and education about peculiarities of different cultures and ethics. It is one of the major problems every company is facing while managing diversified workforce.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his heads. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela

Diversity of workforce creates various ethical problems for the stakeholders of the multinational companies. Communication is one of the major problems which restrict the cooperation among employees. Companies functioning in dissimilar languages create barrier in cooperating among indigenous staffs due to indigenous workers speak diverse languages. Difference in culture and languages rises in the complexity, vagueness and misperception. Ethnic variety makes problems to companies during its goal to achieve solitary settlement (Kundu, 2001).