



牙膏中主要含有五种元素,即氟化物、磨料、香料、保湿剂和洗涤剂。这些元素中的每一种都是从氟化物到以碳酸钙或脱水硅胶形式存在的研磨剂。可持续发展始于采购。现在,牙膏和其他棕榈-高露洁产品中最常见的成分之一就是棕榈油。棕榈油是一种可以在树上自然生长的油。棕榈树只在世界上的一些地区如西非、亚洲、北美和南美才有大量的发现。由于85%以上的棕榈油来自外部供应商,因此必须以可持续的方式采购棕榈油,以确保棕榈油不会对环境造成生物降解,这一点变得至关重要。目前在棕榈油问题上注意到的一些可持续性问题是以毁林、退化、气候变化等形式出现的。砍伐森林成为一个问题,因为棕榈油被认为生长在潮湿的热带地区。即使采购是尽可能可持续和合乎道德的,也会对森林砍伐的形式产生影响。目前的棕榈树可能不适合满足行业的需求。随着消费者对该产品的需求增加,由于牙膏是一种非常基本的需求,因此有必要不断地提供原料来源(Delmas, and Blass, 2010)。这将意味着由于气候和物种开发的结果,更多的森林必须被砍伐。研究报告显示,在棕榈油产地,为了确保满足工业需求,每天要清理多达300个足球场大小的热带雨林。以红毛猩猩或苏门答腊虎为代表的当地物种将会以这样的速度灭绝。森林砍伐仍在继续,因为可以看到这些物种主要在这些地区繁衍生息。森林砍伐直接影响该地区的碳排放,因为森林被烧毁导致温室气体排放。这些发展也发生在湿地地区,那里的碳密度更高,导致碳足迹更严重。

英国论文代写 :可持续发展影响的生命周期和性质

Companies like Colgate in Australia are classified as the packaging user. The packaging user must ensure sustainability in the concerns of packaging as well as the actual product to be sold. Given this context, at this subsection, the lifecycle and the nature of sustainability impact is analyzed. The lifecycle of any product will include 1) Raw material sourcing, 2) Manufacture including testing, 3) Distribution and Retail, 4) Purchase and Consumption and 5) Waste management.
In terms of raw material sourcing for toothpastes, the impact is based on raw materials needed for both the product and the package. Now in terms of packaging manufactory, Colgate similar to other toothpaste brands makes use of an aluminum tube. The tube will be produced by a combination of virgin material (meaning it is used for the first time) and scrap material that is recycled. Studies show that the combination might usually be in the form of 60:40 where 40 is the recycled scrap material that is used. Now sustainability initiatives in sourcing should aim at using more recycled materials compared to virgin materials. However, even in the use of recycled scraps, there will be impact on the environment in the form of the right treatment to develop the packaging and more.
There are mainly five elements in toothpastes which are that of fluorides, abrasives, flavors humectants and detergents. Each of these elements is from the fluoride used to the abrasive in the form of calcium carbonated or a dehydrated silica gel. Sustainability starts with sourcing. Now one of the more common ingredients in toothpaste and every other product of Palmolive-Colgate combination is that of Palm Oil. Palm oil is a form of oil that is seen to grow naturally on trees. The palm trees are only found in abundance in some parts of the world such as Western Africa, Asia, North America and South America. With more than eighty-five percent of palm oil grown from outside suppliers, it becomes critical that palm oil has to be sourced in a sustainable manner in order to ensure that it is not environmentally biodegrading. Some of the current sustainability issues that have been noticed in the case of palm oil are in the form of deforestation, degradation, climate change, and more. Deforestation becomes an issue because palm oil is seen to grow in the humid tropics area. Even with sourcing being as sustainable and ethical as possible, it happens that there is impact on the form of deforestation. Palm trees that are currently present might not be suitable to meet the needs of the industry. With more consumers for the product, and since toothpaste is a very basic need, it is necessary for the raw source to be available in a constant supply (Delmas, and Blass, 2010). This would mean more forests have to be cleared the results in climate and species exploitation. Research reports suggest that in the areas where palm oil is sourced, as much as 300 football field size of rainforests is cleared every day in order to ensure that the industrial needs are met. The local species in the form of orangutan or Sumatran tigers would become extinct at the rate. The deforestation is continuing as it is seen that these species mainly thrive in these areas. The forest clearance directly affects the area in the form of carbon emissions as the forests are burned down resulting in GHG emission. The developments also happen in the wetlands where the area is much more carbon intensive leading to a more intensified carbon footprint.
