
by | 19-Sep-2012 | 英国论文代写

1.2。选题的原因 首先,在以由于本地银行和外资银行的竞争中,成为国际和改善经营,中国银行在海外M&A更快的步伐。海外M&A的基本目的是到银行提高性能。然而,无论是中国的投资银行有能力,以获得银行从境外或海外中号和一个可以完全提高了在中国的银行的效率是否还是一个问题,因此,中国的投资银行海外中号和需要是性能的研究目前亟待解决的问题。金融效率是最重要的优势度指数的M&A的表现,其中的M&A的影响迟早将体现之一。这就是为什么本文选择这个主题作为研究的重点。 其次,在一些海外的合并案件涉及的银行,金融效率并没有提高。相反,金融效率,甚至在一个或两个案件下降。因此,本文希望能找出效率低的原因,并给予相应的策略。
1.3研究的目的和目标 目的: 本文旨在研究中国银行带来的海外M&A的财务效率,并提供建议进一步M&A.
目标: 这项研究的主要目标如下: 1。为了获得一个大致的了解相关的基本理论,合并,收购和实证分析的方法。
2。要确定是否海外M&A中国工商银行(亚洲),提高了金融效率的情况下,中国工商银行 – 富通银行M&A或没有。
1.4本文的结构 本文共分五章 第1章: 本章提供了大背景下,为全球跨国M&A和M&A中国外资银行在国内和国外,有一个更好的了解本研究。基础上引入的背景下,跨国M&A的问题提出了它也涵盖了选择这个主题的原因,并确定了研究的目的和目标。 第2章:文献回顾 本章首先介绍了M&A相关的基本理论,,如动机理论和效率理论和实证分析的方法,还介绍了。然后,中国外资银行的海外中号的情况&A。此外,海外M&A在国内和国外的研究提出,以帮助研究人员确定的关键因素,它可以反映海外M&A带来的影响 第3章:研究方法 本章介绍的研究思路,整项研究,本研究采用的方法。它也阐述了样本选择,指标的选取,模型建立和数据源中的实证分析。此外,本研究中的方法创新和不足之处的说明。 第4章:案例研究和讨论 在本文中,实证分析,回报率股股东的模型和主成分分析法的基础上,进行所选的两个合并例和对照样本。此外,还讨论合并银行的财务效率低的原因。
第5章:结论与建议: 研究成果的案例研究总结在最后一章,并建议给为未来的海外M&A。此外,还包括进一步的研究领域。


1.2. Reasons for choosing the topic

Firstly, In order to due with the competition from native and foreign banks、become international and improve the operation, Chinese banks make the pace of oversea M&A faster. The basic purpose of oversea M&A is to improve the performance of the banks. However, whether Chinese-funded banks have the ability to acquire banks from oversea or whether oversea M&A can absolutely improve the efficiency of the banks in china is still a question, therefore, researches on the performance of Chinese-funded bank oversea M&A need to be solved urgently at present. Financial efficiency is one of the most important and dominant index of M&A performance, in which the M&A Effect will be embodied sooner or later. That is why this article chooses this topic as the research emphasis.

Secondly, in some of the oversea merging cases, financial efficiency of the bank involved was not improved. On the opposite, financial efficiency even decline in one or two cases. Therefore, this article hopes to find out the reasons accounting for the low efficiency and to give corresponding strategies.


1.3 Research aim and objectives


This dissertation aims to research the financial efficiency of Chinese bank brought by oversea M&A, and to offer suggestion for further M&A.



The main objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To gain a general understanding of the basic theories related to merge and acquisition and empirical analysis method.


2. To determine whether oversea M&A has improved the financial efficiency of ICBC (Asian) in the case of ICBC- Fortis Bank M&A or not.


3. To determine whether oversea M&A has improved the financial efficiency of Bank of China (Hong Kong) in the case of Bank of China-SALE M&A or not.


4. To find out the reasons accounting for the low financial efficiency in some of the oversea merging cases and give recommendation for future M&A.


1.4 Structure of this dissertation

This dissertation consists of five chapters

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides the overall background for the global transnational M&A and M&A of Chinese-funded bank at home and abroad so as to have a better understanding of this research. Based on the introduction of the background, questions about transnational
M&A were raised It also covers the reasons for choosing this topic and identifies the research aims and objectives.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapter firstly introduces the basic theories related to M&A, such as motivation theory and efficiency theory, and the empirical analysis method was also presented. Then, situation of Chinese-funded bank oversea M&A is introduced. Furthermore, researches on oversea M&A at home and abroad are presented to help the researcher to determine the key factors, which can reflect the effects brought by oversea M&A.

Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter presents the research thinking of the whole study and the methods employed for this research. It also elaborates the samples selection, index selection, model building and data source in the empirical analysis. In addition, innovation and deficiency of the methods in this research is illustrated.

Chapter 4: Case studies and discussion

In this paper, empirical analysis, based on the rate of return on stock shareholder’s model and principal component analysis method, are conducted on the two selected merging cases and the control samples. It also discusses the reasons accounting for the low financial efficiency of some of the merging banks.


Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation:

Research results of the case studies are summarized in the last chapter, and recommendation was given for future oversea M&A. It also covers further areas for research.
