




在利益相关者理论的背景下,需要考虑的一个重要因素是,利益相关者有时对公司的外部表示感到困惑。例如,一些组织被认为不太真实,其中的建议和更多建议可能会以夸张的语气表示组织及其对涉众的影响。在这方面,有必要作出适当的负责任的表示。GRI等标准已建立,以提供实际资料。除了代表的准则外,还包括保证因素。例如,GRI G4-33指引指出,要证明报告的可信度,必须有外部保证。这里将使用审计员或外部顾问形式的担保提供者。所有这些都集中在负责任的负责任的表述上,这些表述是为利益相关者所做的,以确保利益相关者了解他们的投资是如何使用的,他们是如何受益的,以及更大的公共利益是如何产生的。


In traditional shareholder, centric approaches, more significance was given to the shareholder. However, in more current CSR forms, the stakeholder is brought into discussion. Establishing accountability to the stakeholders is basically considered as a declaration of the responsibility that one owes towards their stakeholders, be it responsibility in terms of monetary affairs, or trust, or their health, etc . Accountability showing the form of CSR implemented and measured for stakeholders becomes an appropriate activity here.


In the context of stakeholder theory, an important element to consider is how stakeholders are at times confused as to the external representations of a company . For instances, some organizations are seen to make not so real representations where the advisements and more might present the organization and their impact on stakeholders in exaggerated tones. Here there is a need for proper accountable representations. Standards such as the GRI have been established to present the actual information. In addition to guidelines for representation, there is also assurance factors included. For instance, GRI G4-33 guidelines state that there must be external assurance in reporting to show there is credibility. An assurance provider in the form of an auditor or an external consultant would be used here. All this focuses on responsible accountable representations which are done for the stakeholders to make sure that stakeholders are aware of how their investments are spent, how they benefit, and how the larger public benefits.