






Other issues to be noted here are that of the lack of systems in workplace that would be useful for improving intergroup communications, systems available for raising conflicts and responding to conflicts etc.
In some cases, the non-engagement of employees in the context of change management is seen to be an important trigger for stress. Employees are not only worried about how the change is going to affect them but are also worried about potential job loss factors. Research studies note that companies that understand stress management in change management actually have teams dedicated to handling the issues of employees.


Finally, there is a lack of perceived fairness. The procedural and the systemic justice in the workplace as to who gets what, the form of prejudice that exists in the workplace etc are seen to have a strong element of stress. Employees hence react strongly to workplace management decisions even if impact management is not noted or studied. Where there is existing stress in the workplace, then the feelings of unfairness is seen to magnify as such too.
