


超现实主义被认为是建立在1920年左右的文化运动。它以其美学艺术作品和写作而闻名。超现实主义运动的目的是为了减少先前矛盾的条件。这位艺术家以精确和精确的方式画出了艺术的不合逻辑的序列。这些在创造奇异生物的过程中,从日常事物中显现出来。他们发明了一种绘画技术,可以让潜意识的灵魂自我表现。超现实主义作品的本质特征是令人惊讶的元素。有不可预见的兼容并蓄。许多超现实主义艺术家和作家试图把他们的作品看作是他们的哲学运动的表现。他们把自己的工作看成是一个人工制品(Adams, 2013)。超现实主义运动的著名艺术家之一是安德烈·布雷顿。安德烈·布雷顿被认为是引入超现实主义运动的先驱者。他是达达运动的创始成员(亚当斯,2013)。

超现实主义作为一种艺术形式起源于第一次世界大战期间的达达运动,这被认为是巴黎的一个重要运动。达达主义是20世纪欧洲先锋艺术的一种艺术运动。这场运动的中心在瑞士的苏黎世。达达运动的艺术家们拒绝了在艺术中突出的逻辑推理和美学诉求。它关注的是不满和不理性。达达主义者被认为表达他们的思想是激进和不满的。达达主义艺术被认为是在许多模型中支持的。最后,达达主义和超现实主义融合在一起,成为各种形式的社会理论的汇合点。安德烈·布雷顿以他的抽象表现主义思想和使用符号来支持与自我表达相关的符号的价值而闻名。这种艺术形式起源于一种拒绝战争的基本意识形态。这是一场反战抗议。类似的概念在第二次世界大战期间也得到了重视(Breton, 1969)。抽象表现主义者正在使用这些作品来展示他们的愤怒和无政府主义在欧洲发生(亚当斯,2013)。


Surrealism is assumed to be the cultural movement that was founded around 1920. It is known for its aesthetical artworks and writing. The aim of the surrealism movement was to reduce the previous contradictory conditions. The artist painted illogical sequences of the art with accuracy and precision. These enabled in the creation of strange creatures that manifest itself from the everyday objects. They developed painting technology that allows the unconscious psyche to represent itself. The essential feature of the surrealist work is the element of surprise. There are unforeseen juxtapositions. Many of the surrealist artist and writers try to regard their work to be an expression of their philosophical movement. They view their work as an artefact (Adams, 2013). One of the eminent artists of the surrealist movement was André Breton. André Breton is considered to be the pioneer who brought in the surrealism movement to the foray. He was the original member of the Dada movement (Adams, 2013).

The surrealism as an art form had its origin from the Dada movement during the World War I. This was assumed to be an important movement of Paris. Dadaism was an art movement that was seen in the European Avant-garde in 20th century. The centre of this movement was in Zurich Switzerland. Dada movement has artists who rejected the ideas of logical reasoning and aesthetic appeal that was prominent in the arts. It was focused on the discontent and irrationality. The Dadaist is considered to express their ideas that were radical and discontented. The Dadaist art was assumed toespoused in many models. Eventually, Dadaism and Surrealism converged and became a confluence of social theories that were espoused in various forms. André Breton was known for his abstract expressionist ideas and using of symbols to espouse the values of symbols related to self-expression. This art form originated as a fundamental ideology that rejected the war. It was an anti-war protest. Similar notion gained prominence during World War II (Breton, 1969). Abstract Expressionist was using the works to demonstrate their outrage and anarchism that was occurring in Europe (Adams, 2013).