



英国人力资源学论文代写 :垄断案例分析


英国人力资源学论文代写 :垄断案例分析

An example of a monopoly is the diamond market, De Beers in South Africa. De Beers is a monopolistic structure in South Africa that was created in the 1880s and dominated diamond supply. And although later different diamond deposits were discovered in countries such as Russia, Australia and India, De Beers works to either buy out producers or enters into agreements with the local government. In some countries such as Russia, almost all the diamonds are sold by DeBeers.

英国人力资源学论文代写 :垄断案例分析

Government regulation attempts to break and bring down monopolization. For instance, in the United States, the monopolies are owned publicly. Some of the public monopolies are that of Amtrak, United States post office, electric companies such as the Ohio Edison etc. These forms of public owned monopolies at one end does break up the monopolies of privatization however as researchers argue, it does not change the competitive scenario. However, some amount of price regulation is possible because a price ceiling could be set by the government monopolies. Imposing a price cap is also helpful as it will lead to the increase of consumer surplus and this helps in controlling demand and controlling price surges. Nevertheless, public monopolies which break up the private ones still carry some deadweight of their own, as it might lead to a situation where it would appear that the government is interfering with almost every activity in the market. Incentives for corruption and high politicization are present.