


Resource gaps: those which constitute of the number of personnel, number of volunteers or workforce and program material resources-such as transportation equipments. Institutional hurdles comprise of resource gaps. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (2000) reveals that literacy programs usually “…pay staff and volunteers in neighborhood” (pp. 6-7).

Literacy improvement courses are mostly included in the public educational policy in addition to non governmental agencies and welfare organizations. Human Resources and Social Development Canada (2000) states that “[a]s a literacy skills and its training problems, literacy is the duty of the state/ province rather than the central government; however meager study is obtainable about the efficacy of provincial/state literacy tutoring plans” (p. 6). Even though interference of improvement programs and methods to remediate and reduce literacy issues are doing well, the number of adult-Canadians with literacy issues has not been reduced and literacy linked problems still exist (HDRC, 2000). Central government suggestions are progressing in providing myriad of resource matter on understandable language and have had encouraging effect in plummeting literacy issues among some selected audience for example “convicts, families in employment and laid off workers, adult advancement students, adults with education or learning problems, and others” (HDRC, 2000, p. 7)). These works are being utilized in lawful, physical condition related management papers.


资源缺口:那些构成的人员数量,志愿者或劳动力和材料资源的程序如运输设备数量。制度障碍,包括资源缺口。加拿大人力资源和社会发展(2000)表明,识字计划通常”……在附近的“支付工作人员和志愿者(pp. 6-7)。

素养的提高课程主要包括在公共教育政策除了非政府机构和社会福利机构。加拿大人力资源和社会发展(2000)指出:“[一]的识字技能及其培养问题,素养是州/省义务而不是中央政府;然而微薄的研究是关于省/州识字辅导计划”获得的疗效(6页)。尽管改进方案和方法来降低干扰识字问题修复都做的很好,成年加拿大人的识字问题的数量并没有减少,仍然存在素养相关问题(分层设计规则校验,2000)。中央政府的建议是提供在可理解的语言资源的物质进步和有无数令人鼓舞的暴跌的识字问题一些选定的观众在例如“罪犯的影响,家庭就业和下岗职工,成人的进步学生,教育或学习问题的人,和其他人”(分层设计规则校验,2000,p. 7))。这些作品中正在使用的合法,身体状况相关管理文件。