


Give Up The Smokes:
There were mainly two courses involved in the program. Both of the courses were based on same format which was one 3-hr session every week for 3-weeks and it was presented by a GP and an appropriate health advisor. Both of the sessions include a number of evidence based interventions and there were some core areas too which include motivation to quit, behavior modification, and pharmacotherapy and stress management. There were some additional topics too that were quite important in the program. It includes health effects of smoking in indigenous people, indigenous history of Tobacco uses etc (Gould, McGechan, Rick van der Zwan, 2010). There were no set quit dates in both of the courses but the participants were asked to set their own date to quit smoking. As most of the indigenous people living in Australia are illiterate and the level of literacy in very low, the visual contents were of quite high quality and they were increased to accommodate with the people of low level of literacy. There were various artworks used in the program and the artworks were specially made from an aboriginal artist who knew the cultures and the ways of living of indigenous people. NRT of Nicotine Replacement Therapy was provided to all the aboriginal people who participated in the GUTS campaign. As they were from a lower socio economic background, they would not access the NRT unless they were provided with it. The inaugural course was commenced in Galambila in the year of 2006 and then New South Wales in 2007.




主要有两种课程中涉及到的程序。这课程是基于相同的格式是一个3小时的会议每星期3周,它是由一个GP和适当的健康顾问提出的。这课程包括一系列的证据为基础的干预措施,有一些核心地区也包括戒烟动机,行为改变,和药物治疗与压力管理。有一些额外的主题,是非常重要的程序。它包括土著人吸烟对健康的影响,烟草使用本土历史等(2010古尔德,mcgechan,Rick van der Zwan,)。没有设定戒烟日期在这课程,参与者被要求给自己设定戒烟日期。像大多数生活在澳大利亚的土著人是文盲,在非常低的水平的视觉素养,含量相当高的质量和他们提高到适应的识字水平低的人。有在程序中使用的各种工艺品和艺术品是专门由谁知道文化和土著人生活方式的原住民艺术家。NRT尼古丁替代疗法提供了所有的土著人谁参加竞选的勇气。他们从一个较低的社会经济背景,他们不会使用NRT除非他们具有。在galambila开始在2006年2007然后新南威尔士成立课程。