








The disadvantage of this research is probably the use of the single voice of the author. In these kinds of research, there is possibility of the research data to be biased. This needs to be addressed. Even though the author has critically analyzed there is a possibility of being biased. There is explanation of the textbooks in great detail. However, the impact that has been caused will vary from individual to individual learning ability. This research does not factor in a general trend, rather it is the astute observation made by the author.
To conclude about this research, the author has astutely pointed out the relevance of the various tools that have been used in this research. However, there is explanation of the viewpoints of the author in great detail. This could be biased. Use of primary research data and analysis of the general trends would have led to a more comprehensive solution.


The limitations of this research are that the number of participants used in the research design is limited. This can cause the research to be biased. The researcher has tried to address the various analysis and viewpoints. However, given the number of participants, it cannot be a research that is certain. There are a number of innate factors that could be overlooked.
To conclude, this research explains about the nuanced details that are related to the teaching of the subject and more research can validate the findings. There is a need for more credibility of the information.