

从文化,政治和国情的角度来看,新闻频道关注所有重大价值和相关问题(Paterson 2006)。这确保了渠道在其推出的国家保持尊严。在文化背景和其他领域普遍存在的观点确保相同。

当从编辑的角度来看,并将其视为新闻广播的框架时,就会想到新闻的选择非常生动和广泛,包括世界内外发生的重大事件(Flourney et al 2009)。新闻头条不是很长,并支持他们携带的消息。这是有益的,因为人们希望更多地了解新闻的完整描述。
此外,新闻频道的目的是在国际背景下讨论所有概念,并通过研究媒体对公共空间结构的影响来形成这一过程的过程(Flourney 2010)。与半岛电视台相比,英国广播公司的频道是它是一个跨国频道。媒体公司按照全球存在的统治行为行事。分发新闻的路线也是基于全球化视角的环境。尽管BBC的媒体新闻越来越多地跨越国界,公众领域并不是自动发展的,但其水平的衡量基础是超越的提高。


Prevalent perspectives of cultures, politics and nations
From the perspective of cultures, politics and national context, the news channel focuses on all the significant values and related issues (Paterson 2006). This has ensured that the channel maintains the dignity in the nation where it is being launched. The perspectives prevalent in the cultural context and other domains ensure the same.
It can be concluded that even though the news is diverse and covers all the aspects of important pieces, the frame of news and the value of news in relation to the agendas of politics and the issues in the society. The news has a diverse range which has variations and regions specific for the pieces of information. There is a feature which distinguishes over the channel of news making the same become differentiates from the news of BBC.

When viewed in compilation and imagined as a framework of news broadcast, it comes to the mind that the news selection is very vivid and vast comprising of the major event occurring inside and outside the world (Flourney et al 2009). The news headlines are not very long and are supportive to the news that they carry. This is beneficial, as people would want to know more about what a complete description of the news would be.
In addition, the aim of the news channel is to discuss all conceptions at the level of international context and the process through which this process is generated is through studying the influence of media over structuring the space of public (Flourney 2010). The channel of BBC in comparison to Al Jazeera is that it is a transnational channel. The company of media acts in accordance to the domination existing in the global world. The lines of distributing the news is also cornered based on the environment of globalized perspectives. Even though the media news from BBC transcends increasingly across the borders of nations, a sphere of public is not automatically developed but the level is measured on the basis of increased transcendence.
