





英国研究生毕业论文没过 :CCF的权能目标分析



英国研究生毕业论文没过 :CCF的权能目标分析

For CCF, the government plays the role of most influential player for the objective of the campaign. The legislation could be laid down by the government which could immediately ban the sale, import and production of animal tested products. It could prohibit the use of animal furs in fashion industry and fulfil the cause of CCF.
The players which do not have much influence in the objective of the campaign are the companies which are not in the category of cosmetics or fashion industry. The scope of CCF is limited to the use of animal testing on cosmetic products and ingredients used in cosmetics and the use of animal fur. CCF objectives do not cover any other industry type as of now.
The key players that are in strong support for the objectives of the campaign are the animal rights activists as well as common Australian population. It has been seen that overwhelming number of Australian citizens are in opposition of animal testing of new ingredients or cosmetic products. They completely extent their support for the ban of the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics in the Australian markets.

英国研究生毕业论文没过 :CCF的权能目标分析

There is a long list of companies in Australia, which freely use animal testing on their products (Animals Australia, no date). These are the players in the market which could be considered as the strong opponent of the campaign objectives.
This analysis helps CCF to identify the major players in the objective of the campaign and hence concentrate the efforts in the right direction. The organisation heavily relies on the force generated by collective movement of common Australian citizens. CCF aims to use this force to persuade the Australian Government to ban the use of animal testing.