
by | 14-Sep-2012 | 英国论文代写


第1章: 1.1背景的主题 20世纪90年代以来,经济和财政全球化,放松金融监管和长足的进步,现代科学技术,第五个银行M&A席卷全球的发展。一组超巨型国际金融机构已建立了一个又一个,和银行合并的情况下,层出不穷。 1995年,M&A案件中金融业是世界各地的4100多,涉及金额250十亿美元,占全球并购总价值的21%随后,全球企业并购的总价值再次达到一个新的记录,每年。到2002年,全球并购交易量达到创纪录的3.460十亿美元。在所有的合并的情况下,M&A在银行业发生更频繁,其交易量在所有行业中居1号。超过半数的银行,这是在世界的排名比其他银行更高,实现规模扩张,通过M&A进入21世纪后,银行合并的步伐放缓,但,大合并案件也时有发生。银行跨国并购的趋势也日益明显,数量也越来越大。国际化战略已成为全球发展金融的迫切需求。跨境并购在国际银行业的规模正在逐年扩大。 2007年,在全球银行业并购的总规模为902.6十亿美元,其中跨国M&A占39.8%,其规模将达到395.4十亿美元。
随着中国经济的发展,中国的投资银行整合的世界情况gradually.China的金融行业是目前在一个深刻变革的阶段,开放型经济不仅需要银行要么以“带来的”,但也可以“走了”,与“两条腿”走路。 2006年12月11日,中国结束五年的过渡期其加入世界贸易组织,市场完全打开国外金融业和大量外资银行来进入我们的国家通过分支机构建立或战略投资到中国的银行行业。海外银行抓住我国,随着市场份额的不断完善我们的金融机构,促进国内金融机构到国外去建立我们自己的海外金融地图。中国的银行业也掀起了一波海外并购例如,在2000年,工商银行成功收购香港友联银行,并更名为中国工商银行(亚洲)。 2003年12月,中国工商银行(亚洲)购入华比富通银行,富通集团在香港这是一个海外分公司,进一步扩大其在香港的金融网络。 2006年8月,中国建设银行成功收购100%股权的美国所拥有的美国银行(亚洲),成交量达9.71十亿香港。这是CBC的股权分置改革后的第一个海外扩张。可以预见的是,国内银行的实力将加快海外投资的步伐,向着国际跨国银行的方向。发生的雪灾,地震等自然灾害,中国外汇储备的上升,人民币升值等因素的影响,促使银行出国。金融危机还提供中国银行海外并购的机会.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background to the topic Since the 1990s, with the development of economics and finances globalization, relaxation of financial regulation and great progress of modern science and technology, the fifth bank M&A sweeps the world. A group of international super-giant financial institutions has been set up one after another, and bank merging cases emerges endlessly. In 1995, M&A cases in financial industry is more than 4100 around the world, involving an amount of 250 billion dollars, which accounts for 21% of the total value of global M&A. Subsequently, the total value of global enterprise M&A reaches again a new record each year. To the year of 2002, trading volume of global M&A reaches a record of 3.460 billion dollars. Among all the merging cases, M&A happen in banking industry is more frequent, with its trading volume ranking No1 in all the industries. More than half of the banks, which is in higher ranking than other banks in the world, realize its scale expansion through the M&A. After entering the 21 century, bank merging slow down its steps, but big merging cases also happen from time to time. The trend of bank transnational merging is increasingly obvious and the number is also getting larger. Internationalization strategy has become urgent needs of finance global development. The scale of cross-border M&A in international banking industry is expanding year by year. In 2007, total scale of M&A in global banking industry is 902.6 billion dollars, of which cross-border M&A account for 39.8%, with its scale reaching 395.4 billion dollars.

With the development of china’s economy, Chinese-funded banks integrate the world circumstance gradually.China’s banking industry is currently in a phase of profound change, open economy not only require banks either to “bring in” but can also “go out”, with “two legs” to walk. On December 11, 2006, with china ending the five years transitional period of its accession to the WTO, its market is completely opened to foreign financial industry and a large number of foreign banks come into our country through branches establishment or strategic investment into china’s banking industry. Oversea banks seizing market share of our country, along with the constant improvement of our financial institutions, promote domestic financial institutions to go abroad to create our own oversea financial map . China’s banking industry has also set off a wave of oversea M&A. For example, in 2000, ICBC has successfully acquired Hong Kong Union bank and changed its name to ICBC ( Asian). In December 2003, ICBC (Asian) acquired Fortis bank, which is a oversea branch of Fortis Group in Hong Kong, to further expand its financial network in Hong Kong. In August 2006, China construction bank successfully purchased 100% equities of American bank (Asian) owned by America, with the trading volume amounting to 9.71 billion Hong Kong dollars. This is the first oversea expansion of CBC after the share reform. It can be predicted that, the strength of domestic banks will accelerate the pace of oversea investment, toward the direction of international cross-border banks. The occurrence of snowstorms, earthquakes and other natural disasters, rising foreign exchange reserves of China, the appreciation of RMB and other factors prompted the banks to go abroad. Financial crisis also provide the opportunity for Chinese bank oversea M&A.
