
by | 26-Sep-2012 | 英国论文代写


中资银行的海外兼并和收购情况 跨境银行M&A是一个有效的发展战略,为实现全球业务战略的银行,拓展经营领域,扩大规模,提高竞争力。当今世界,实现了经济和金融的全球化,是更加开放。跨境银行M&A成为金融资本的有效途径。国家之间流动。中国银行海外M&A中发挥着越来越重要的角色,在他们的海外扩张。
2.2.1中国银行的动机海外M&A 纵观世界领先的金融机构的发展历史,他们都决心进行布局全球,全球的发达。在全球化的形式,以提高其影响力和国际竞争力的世界领先银行的行列,中国的银行走出去的海外M&A更快的步伐。在发达国家之间,发达国家和发展中国家的银行之间的M&A是国际银行业跨境并购的主流动机的跨国M&A在发展中国家与发达国家有相同的地方,但也显示了自己的特色。中国的银行,与自己的发展战略,抓住有利时机,海外M&A.就像中国大多数银行认为海外M&A作为一项措施,以增加他们自己的发展,而不是作为一项重要的发展战略,中国银行海外M&A也有各种各样的原因。
首先,激烈的竞争和市场拓展 中国国有商业银行是自负盈亏的商业银行通过一系列的举措,如股份制改造和上市对股市的真实变化。从20世纪80年代,中国的经济已经进入了一个快速起飞阶段蓬勃发展,以及与金融部门。作为股份制改革的发展,市场和其他措施,鼓励发展中小银行,中国银行业已经到了前所未有的高度。国有商业银行总资产的规模,是一个大小为318000亿人民币,与招商银行相比,中国和其他股份制商业银行规模8.8万亿元,城市商业银行为4.1万亿元。可以看出,虽然国家控制的银行资产是远远大于中小股份制银行和城市商业银行的资产规模,差距更小的前几年。由于股份制改革,原有的工商银行,建设银行和中国银行更注重银行的盈利能力,安全性和流动性。他们也认识到,有生存和发展的依靠,而不是政府参与市场公平竞争。银行市场变得越来越有竞争力。竞争是大型国有控股银行,中型股份制银行之间以及股份制银行和国有小的股份制银行,城市商业银行之一。目前,中型股份制银行的网点遍布全国各地,就像国家控制的银行。小股份制银行没有历史遗留问题,及财务比率资本回报率,资产和盈利能力略高于国有银行的服务意识和创新意识都强于国有商业银行。另一方面,城市商业银行拥有主场优势,当地企业和居民提供热忱的服务。实力较强的银行开始寻求海外市场,因为在国内银行业的激烈竞争。不仅国有银行,中型股份制银行也开始探索海外M&A。 外资银行进入国内抢占市场。 2006年,中国改革开放人民币业务,并最终全面开放的中国金融市场,这标志着一个新的发展时期,跨国银行在中国。外资银行在中国的快速发展是远远超过中国银行业发展的平均水平。银监会数据提供2007年年底,有242个外国银行代表处,24个外商独资银行,合资银行,外商独资财务公司,和另外23个国家和地区的71家外国银行已成立了117在我国的分支机构。外资金融机构的资产已经达到了1.25万亿元,占中国银行业总资产的2.4%,这是以前的数据了0.3个百分点。有人说,57个国内分支机构的外资银行,25家外资银行已获准开展人民币业务,50家外国银行获准从事衍生产品交易业务。此外,有33个外国金融机构允许投资于在中国的25个大型和中型商业银行的股份。总之,外资银行已成为本港银行体系的重要组成部分。由于技术和盈利水平,甚至高于中国银行的服务水平,外资银行在更快,更方便的方式,能够提供各种各样的服务。 毫无疑问,外资银行的加入造成了很大的发展压力。打开中国金融业应该是一个双向的开放,不只是外资银行进入我国,但也有银行的海外发展。竞争的压力以及政府的政策,鼓励海外发展是促进中国银行海外并购。

2.2 Situation of Chinese-funded banks oversea merger and acquisition Cross-border bank M&A is an effective development strategy for banks to achieve global business strategy, expand business areas, expand the scale and enhance competitiveness. Today’s world, which has realized economic and financial globalization, is more open. Cross-border bank M&A becomes an efficient way for financial capital to flow between countries. And Chinese banks oversea M&A is playing a more and more important role in their oversea expansion.

2.2.1 Motivations of Chinese Banks Oversea M&A Throughout the world’s leading financial institutions development history, they are all determined to carry out the layout of the world, global developed. In the form of globalization, in order to improve their influence and competitiveness among the ranks of the world’s leading banks, Chinese banks make the pace of going out for oversea M&A faster. M&A among banks in developed countries and between developed countries and developing countries is the mainstream of international banking cross-border M&A. Motivations of cross-border M&A in developing countries has the same place with developed countries, but also shows the characteristics of their own. Chinese banks,with their own development strategies, seize the favorable opportunity for oversea M&A. Just like most Chinese banks regard overseas M&A as a measure to add their own development rather than as an important development strategy, Chinese banks oversea M&A are also having a variety of reasons.

First, Intense competition and markets expansion Chinese state-owned commercial banks are the real changes in self-financing commercial banks through a series of moves, such as the joint-stock reform and listing on the stock market. From the 1980s, China’s economy has entered a rapid take-off stage with financial sector thriving as well. China’s banking industry has gone into an unprecedented height as the development of joint-stock reform, market, and other measures which encouraged the development of small and medium banks. On the size of total assets, state-owned commercial banks is with a size of 31.8 trillion Yuan, compared with merchants banks, Chinese and other small joint-stock commercial banks size of 8.8 trillion Yuan and city commercial banks amounted to 4.1 trillion Yuan. It can be seen from the asset size that although the state-controlled bank assets is much larger than small and medium sized joint-stock banks and city commercial banks, the gap has been much smaller in previous years. Due to joint-stock reform, the original ICBC, CCB and Bank of China pay more attention to banks’ profitability, safety and liquidity. And they also realized that there survival and development is rely on fair competition with participating in the market rather than the government. Banking market is becoming more and more competitive. Competition is among large state-controlled banks, medium-sized joint-stock banks, and also between joint-stock banks and state-owned small joint-stock banks, city commercial banks. Currently, medium-sized joint-stock banks have outlets across the country just like state-controlled banks. And small joint-stock banks has no historical issues, and financial ratios on return on capital employed, assets and profitability are slightly higher than the state-owned banks with service awareness and sense of innovation both stronger than state-owned commercial banks. On the other hand, city commercial banks have home advantage with dedicated service to local businesses and residents. Strong banks began to seek oversea markets because of intense competition in the domestic banking sector. Not only state-owned banks, but also medium-sized joint-stock banks are beginning to explore oversea M&A. Foreign banks entered the domestic to seize the market. In 2006, China opened the RMB business, and ultimately the full liberalization of China’s financial markets, which marks a new period of development for cross-border banks in China. The rapid development of foreign banks in China is far more than the average level of development of China’s banking industry. CBRC data by the end of 2007 provided that there are 242 foreign bank representative offices, 24 foreign-owned banks, two joint venture banks, three foreign-owned finance company, and another 23 countries and regions of the 71 foreign banks had set up 117 branches in our country. Assets of foreign financial institutions has reached 1.25 trillion Yuan, accounting for China’s banking sector total assets of 2.4% which is over 0.3 percentage points of the previous data. It is said that 57 domestic branches of foreign banks, 25 foreign banks is already allowed to conduct RMB business and 50 foreign banks permitted to engage in derivatives transactions. In addition, there are 33 foreign financial institutions that is allowed to invest in shares of 25 large-and-medium-sized commercial banks in China. In short, foreign banks have become an important part of our banking system. As technical and profitability level and even service level higher than Chinese banks, foreign banks are able to provide a variety of services in a  faster and more convenient way. There is no doubt that foreign banks join caused a lot of development pressure. Opening Chinese financial industry should be a two-way open, not just foreign banks entering the country, but also be our bank’s overseas development. Competitive pressures and government policies to encourage  development of oversea are both promoting Chinese banks oversea M&A.
