

本文是一篇關於貧困的文章,《飢餓與世界貧困》(2010)將貧困線定義為個人獲得貸款等金融服務的最低收入水平。目前,西方國家的窮人生活水平遠超維多利亞統治時期的窮人。隨著福利國家的出現,貧困人口的社會構成在一段時間內也發生了變化。舉個例子,1970年和1980年,在英國,窮人主要由單親和老年人組成,1990年主要是兒童和家庭。使用收入作為衡量貧窮的一個參數往往導致相互矛盾的結果。如今,工業產品的價值下降,使得窮人更容易購買手機、電腦或電視等產品。本篇代寫論文費用文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。
According to Hunger and World Poverty (2010), poverty line is defined as the minimum level of income which provides individuals access to financial services such as loans, etc. At present, the poor in western countries are living incomparably better than the poor during the time of Victorian rule. With the emergence of welfare states, the social composition of poor individuals has also changed over a period of time. To cite examples, in 1970 and in 1980, in United Kingdom, the poor were mainly comprised of single parents and senior citizens and in 1990s it was mostly children and families. The use of income as a parameter to measure poverty often leads to contradictory results. In the present day, the value of industrial goods has fallen, making it easier for the poor to purchase products such as mobile phones, computers or televisions.
While looking at the magnitude of poverty, the new data released by the Department of Work and Pensions, reflects that the number of people living in relative poverty has risen in the past few years. There were 10.6 million individuals with income below sixty percent in 2013 . The figures given by Eurostat shows that there is a fall in the number of people at the risk of poverty from 17.1 percent in 2010 to 15.9 percent in 2014. Also, the Poverty and Social Exclusion project undertaken by the University of Bristol in 2014 reported that the proportion of families deprived of items necessary for living in United Kingdom increased to 33 percent in 2012 as compared to 14 percent in 1983.
The current level of poverty in a country as wealthy as UK is neither acceptable nor can be completely eliminated (Kenneth, 2007). Not being able to eradicate poverty is imposing huge costs on the nation as a whole and is wasteful as well. Yet, the efforts made by the government to tackle poverty have reached a stalemate. While there have been a lot of structural changes and poverty alleviation programmes, no outcome has been sought (John, 2001). There is a need to redefine the approach for measuring poverty .
Thus, going beyond the issue of extreme poverty prevalent in the society, there is an important question about how to bring the poor people at par to live up to the average income required to participate fully in the society(Greene, 2001). People in developed countries often have access to more goods and services than people living in developing countries. There will always remain inequality and poverty in the society, as it cannot be completely eradicated. What is required is a fresh political stance on achieving the low poverty level in UK in order to understand the current perspectives. There is an increasing need to map a vision for addressing the ever-growing poverty by shifting towards establishing a relational approach which supports coherence and co-production, thus removing the focus from the transactional means of eradicating poverty. The competing vision of politicians, employers of anti-poverty programmes, and service providers needs to be aligned to reach an agreement for the welfare of the state. The point here is that the policies in force should act as a catalyst to ensure a better form of action and thus, reaching a level of low-poverty in UK.