





It is very important for an event manager to interact with a number of people who may be from the supplier side, the client side or even the staff who are involved in the execution of plans at ground level. Different types of people may have varied ways of communicating their thoughts and it is crucial to understand what each type of people understands. To understand what the people want and what we can provide, a good communication skill is very vital. A number of basic etiquettes including telephone conversation, presentation skills, meeting etiquettes, and casual conversation skills are required in an event manager to develop good communication at work (Getz, 1997).

In practice, there will be a number of people with different languages and the event manager must understand how to overcome the language blockades. To understand the opposite person’s needs, it is important to listen carefully in order to interpret proper meaning of the person’s requirements. Good communication skill also includes the ability to identify the harsh personalities and handle them carefully. Dealing with a tough client is very likely in the event management arena, but overcoming the bad behaviour while turning the conversations to our benefit will have long ranging impact. There will be conflicts between the work force and other people (who may be clients or even suppliers), and the event manager should know how to solve the issues without making any fuss at the workplace. Hence good communication skill is very important to have at the workplace (Damster, 2005).