




Art, theatre and more of the genre are these non-economic exchanges that will be needed to define the accounting and financially objectified world of man. The “mercantile relationships” that man had built around him can therefore be said to be a manifestation of culture. Markets have direct implications under the mercantile culture. Calling the economical practices as practices introduced by a dominant culture only to monopolize all sections of the people, economist is seen as a narrow interest for the bourgeois society to maintain their disinterestedness in non-economic theories and also to grasp capital and profit in all their forms.Cultural capital as defined by Bourdieu can be said to exist in three forms. It can be said to exits in the embodied state, the institutionalized state or the objectified state. In the sense of the embodied state the cultural capital forms are of on the imposition on the mind. In the objectified state as the name implies the cultural capital exists as pictures, books, art work, performances and more. In the case of the institutionalized state the capital is said to exist in a way that guarantees what it promises, like an educational institution.